chapter 11 ✽tubs of ice cream

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I forced my eyes open, rolling around on my bed.

woah, woah, hold up. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep on the sofa last night. Luke must've carried me to my bed. I groaned, the events of last night rolling back in.. the party.. Mario.. the tears.. Luke..

I turned my phone on as I walked into the kitchen, the screen filling up with missed calls and messages. there was a bag of mcdonalds breakfast on the kitchen counter, with a note reading 'hope you feel better, Luke' on it. I sat down, and started eating while I scrolled through my phone. I checked my missed calls first.

15 missed calls from 'bestfriend number one🌻'.

14 missed calls from 'my husband💓💓💓💓💓💓💓'.

I scoffed and changed his contact name to 'jerk'.

12 missed calls from 'it's not ari'.

11 missed calls from 'my green eyed angel'. (Ariel)

5 missed calls from 'weston curry'.

3 missed calls from 'zachy poo'.

I'll ring them later. I checked my messages next. everyone had sent a ton of texts, all saying the same kind of thing:

bestfriend number one: call me as soon as you wake up

my green eyed angel: we're worried sick, b

(b was Ariel's nickname for me)

it's not ari: did you get home safely?

jerk: are you okay? what happened last night?

you get the gist. there was also loads of messages from the groupchat. yes, we have a groupchat with everyone in it:

Nick and the beanstalk: guys I think she's dead

bestfriend number one: I'm legit gonna call the police if she doesn't reply in an hour

zachy poo: imagine her missing poster- missing: plug socket girl

blake from state farm: last seen looking fly

(yeah, Blake from magcon is in the chat too. I met him and 99goonsquad last night at the party- before everything went downhill, of course- and we immediately warmed up to each other)

jerk: erm, MY girlfriend

my boo jovani: someones jealous

it's not ari: I swear to god if it was any of you upset her last night, I'll kill you

my green eyed angel: I'll help to hide the body

I chuckled at the texts, temporarily forgetting about my sadness.

I replied to the groupchat:

me: I'm fine. I went home early, that's all

Sara video called me and I accepted: she also added Ariel and Ari to the call.

hired girlfriend ✽ mario selman [DISCONTINUED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum