Chapter Eleven

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Reader's POV

Sam was making out... With you- your doppelgänger... The monster. Dean lost all his sanity and blurted out the first thing that came to mind, waving his machete around in anger.

"Oh my God Sam this is a new low." Both Sam's and the monster's heads shot up, the monster's eyes widening as it saw you. Dean continued, rambling. "I mean, come on. A demon was kinda understandable. A werewolf was euhhhhh. But a ghoul?! What the hell has gotten into you?" Dean's face went a little pale. "I think I'm going to throw up."

Your eyes never left the ghoul's. You had never heard of one before Dean explained it to you in the basement, but from what he told you, they were nasty. The ghoul sat up, stood up, and brushed off its clothes. It looked at both you and Dean, then at Sam.

Before anyone could say anything the ghoul produced a knife from its back pocket and slit Sam's throat. Right there. Dean yelled out and ran at the ghoul, using his machete to cut off its head.

You stood there, motionless with fear and shock. Dean was breathing heavily, kicking the ghoul's body away and running to his brother. You could see tears threatening to fall. Dean cradled his brother's head in his hands, pleads falling from his lips.

Your legs went weak. Everything spun around you and you collapsed. Your brain couldn't think, your vision disappearing. Shock overtook everything in your body and you passed out.

A/N MWAHAHAHAHA Sorry not sorry! I'm sorry these last few chapters have been so short but I needed to get them out and now I have! I'll try and update faster and more lengthy chapters soon!


Sam x Reader: Stay Awhileحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن