This is Hell!

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I sighed, once again the pink haired bitch had decided to flirt with my boyfriend. Yes, Sasuke fucking Uchiha was now my boyfriend. How you ask? Simple; I confessed my feelings to him, kissed the guy, and we proceeded to fuck the rest of the night.

I growled lowly when she tried pressing her chest against his arm. Sasuke turned to me and sent a 'please get this thing off of me before I kill her look' towards me. I nodded and took a calming breath. "Hey Sakura-chan! Do you wanna go to Ichiraku's with me?" I said in that annoying tone I always used in public. Only Sasuke was allowed to hear my normal voice.

The bitch turned towards me, letting go of Sasuke's arm and letting him escape. "Can't you see I'm talking to Sasuke-kun!" She turned towards the spot she left Sasuke, only to find no one there. She sputtered before growling, turning to face me and finding a log I had left.

As I jumped across the buildings, I heard her ugly ass screeching. I laughed and picked up the pace, finally landing at my door where I heard the kitchen being used. Smiling I entered the door and walked into the kitchen, finding Sasuke already starting to make dinner. He turned and smiled at me. "Welcome home, Naruto." He placed the items in his hands down and walked over, placing a quick kiss to my lips.

I smiled and hugged him before letting him continue with his cooking. I sat down on the couch, waiting for dinner. "Naruto, dinner will be ready in 20 minutes. Can you pick up something for me?" I turned my head slightly and called back. "Sure, what do ya need?" He walked over and handed me directions. "I just need this cookbook, that all." I smiled, noticing it was a cookbook on how to make better ramen.

"K, I'll be back in a bit!" I happily walkout. I wonder why he was so nice to me today? And the cookbook? I thought he didn't like ramen.

I carelessly walked through the streets, passing many hateful glares as usual. I walked into the store and a couple of tomatoes were thrown at me. The customers glared angrily as I merely passed them, no sign of expression on my face. I looked at the list and found the cookbook.

I walked up to the register where Katsuyono, a young boy with white hair was working. He smiled apologetically, not being strong enough to stop them. I shook my head telling him it was fine. He scanned the tag and placed the book into a plastic bag so the food being thrown wouldn't ruin it.

I pulled out my wallet when his hand stopped me. "It's fine, it's on me today. After all, you should be spending your birthday with Sasuke." He smiled kindly. I smiled back, how could I have forgotten my birthday. "Thanks! I'll be sure to make it up to you!" I call back, running to my house in excitement. I slowed down when I was a good distance away and sighed.

Now walking, I lost myself to thought. Maybe today wasn't going to be a really bad day.

---No one's POV---

Sasuke had finished cooking dinner and placed it on the table. He heard the door click open and walked to the entrance. He froze before rushing over to the blonde. He helped the man inside.

After sitting him on the couch, he ran over and got a medical aid kit. He began to work on the wounds. When he finished covering most of Naruto's body with bandages, he looked down. "Who did this?" He asked coldly. Naruto frowned. "I'm fine." Sasuke's body began to shake. "I asked who did this. I want to know. Now." His hands were in fist.

Naruto sighed and stood up, hugging the male. "I'm fine, you don't have to cry over me." Sasuke lifted a hand and wiped his eyes quickly. "Why do you let them do this?" He looked up at the blonde with tear filled eyes. Naruto sighed and looked away. "I want them to accept me as a human." Sasuke glared. "If they aren't accepting you as one, then they are the real demons here." He growled out.

Naruto smiled and placed a kiss to Sasuke's forehead. "Thank you." Sasuke gave him a confused look. "Why are you thanking me?" Naruto pulled his smaller frame against his chest. "For being there, for worrying about me, for caring about me." He placed a soft kiss to the raven's lips. "Thank you for all that, but I thank you the most for loving me." He felt the tears fall from his eyes.

Sasuke sat them both down on the couch, where the two held each other close. "This village is more like hell." Naruto joked. Sasuke pulled him in closer. "I know."

That night, the two boys sat there, crying away their frustration and pain.

~I'm bored so there's extra~
---The next morning---

Naruto and Sasuke happily ate their breakfast together. Sasuke was warring one of Naruto's robes, which was a little big on him. Naruto raised an eyebrow. Sasuke smirked. "You'll see."

When Naruto and Sasuke finished eating, they both went to the bedroom to pack for their mission at 6.

Sasuke walked over to Naruto and placed a kiss on his boyfriend's lips. Naruto kissed back, tracing his tongue across Sasuke's bottom lip. Sasuke opened his mouth, letting Naruto's tongue slide in. They french kissed for a bit before pulling back for air.

Naruto slid his hands under the robe and his eyes widened. He smirked at the bright red Uchiha. "Sasuke, I didn't know you were into cross dressing." Sasuke glared up at him. "I'm not, I'm only doing this as your present." Naruto smiled at him. "Thank you." His eyes had a lustful look as he began to kiss down his boyfriend's neck, leaving a hickey for all to see when it was over.

He pulled off the robe, revealing a female high school uniform. Sasuke hid his face on Naruto's chest. "Stop staring, it's embarrassing." He mumbled. Naruto placed his hands on Sasuke's hips, playing with the top of the skirt. "Well, I think you look sexy. Will you let me see your face?"

Sasuke looked up, a bright red blush covering his pale cheeks. Naruto placed a kiss on his nose. "Now, how about I unwrap my present?" Sasuke smirked and leaned up to whispered into his boyfriend's ear. "I think you should."


I'm gonna end it there. Again, there may be lots of mistakes because I'm too lazy to go over it.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!


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