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Just gonna type! (There will be lemon~)


Sasuke sighed as he walked to Konoha High. He hadn't seen Naruto anywhere today. He looked around and spotted a head of pink hair. 'Shit!' He thought as he began running through the gates.

He didn't react fast enough because they grabbed his wrist. "Good morning, Sasuke-kun!" An annoyingly high pitch voice greeted.

Sasuke turned towards the girl named Sakura and grimaced. Of all the girls, why her? She was one of his most obsessive followers. He pulled his arm out of her grip harshly and walked off into the group of people. "Sometimes I wish she were dead." He muttered under his breath.

"Who did you want dead?" Sasuke jumped, a reaction that can only be caused by one person. "Don't seek up on me like that, Naruto." He glared playfully. Naruto laughed.

"No, seriously, who pissed you off so much you'd want them dead?" He asked again. Sasuke sighed. "No one. Now let's get to class." He said as he walked away. Little did he know Naruto saw the whole Sakura thing.

'Don't worry, my lovely Sasu-chan! I'll erase that nuisance!' Naruto thought happily.


Sasuke was walking on his way home when he saw a crowed if people. He decided to check it out and saw a head of pink hair, everything else was drenched red as the skin was removed. All you could see was mushed muscles covered in a thick layer of blood and organs falling out of the deranged body.

Sasuke immediately noticed the pink hair and backed away, shocked. 'Who did this?' He thought. He remembered back to the words he had said earlier. The only person that could have heard him mutter them was Naruto.

Sasuke felt himself get turned on by the thought of Naruto killing people just for him. The way those broad shoulders would tense as his knife stabbed into his victim, the way his crazed smile would grow as he dug his hand into the person's chest and pull out the heart, or how he would wrap his blood covered arms around Sasuke's waist and hold him close, or even-'No. Bad Sasuke! You shouldn't think about that.'

He walked away from the gruesome sight and started for Naruto's house. He would get to the bottom of this.

---Naruto's POV---

I sat alone in my empty house, thinking happily about the earlier events.


I walked through the hallways, spotting that ridiculous pink hair. 'Bingo!' I thought as I walked over. "Sakura!" I waved happily. She turned and smiled at me.

"Hey Naruto! How's it going?" She asked as we walked side to side. "I'm great! How about you?" I asked her as we turned. "Well, curious as to who your secret crush is. Come on, it can't be that bad!" She pouted.

I had to internally laugh. "Follow me and I'll tell you." I grinned. She sighed. "Fine, but you have to promise to tell me." She grinned. "I promise!" I said as I led her to the roof.

I stopped at the railing and stared out at the front gates. Maybe I should leave her by the doors Sasuke always leaves. I heard her walk towards me. "Naruto? Are you ok?" She asked, worried. I smiled  and turned around. "Nothing's wrong, Sakura. Why do you ask?"

Her eyes showed slight fear. "Naruto, if this is a prank then it's not funny." I kept the smile on my face and took a step forward, making her take a shaky one back. "Who said I was joking? I'm just telling you my crush, remember?" I say innocently. She started shaking slightly. "Naruto, seriously stop smiling like that. It's really creeping me out."

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