Nic sat quietly..  as well as Zaryn.. side by side. "You and Deacon are my half brothers?" He questioned softly.. no answer needed. Rhetorical.

Mom cried out. "I didn't know. It was once.. before you marked me. When you hated me!" Powerful sobs made it difficult to understand. "I was going through my heat.. i had no one to teach me about what would happen. It was after Nyra passed.."

My heart clenched as i watched my mother's skeletons come crashing out of the closet for all of us to witness... no sympathy from the moon. She wanted our slate to be cleansed..

Dad shook, his wolf coming to the surface as he glared at blake.. becoming a dark dark green. Skin rippled as claws forced their way through nail beds and canines sliced through gums.

Blake took a step back as did the rest of us.. watching the scene unfold.

"I trusted you Blake! We were best friends!" The ferocity of his words were altered as his wolf spoke... a slurred feral version of the English language. Blakes focus on dad turned hard.. intense..

"Jack it was a mistake." His words were gritted. " One time. Dahlia was in her heat and never knew anything about it. We were drunk.. i was going through a hard time with Nyra's death as was she. You were never there.. too filled with selfishness to give your own mate attention. I NEVER thought Nic could be mine! If you had paid attention to her instead of shunning her for half a year, none of this would have happened! We never had an affair! It was a heat induced moment! That's it! Let her explain to you!" He growled.. anger leeching out at my father for treating his own mate with such hatred in their early years, not letting them explain.

Although what explanation, even theirs, could make my dad feel better. His best friend cheated with his mate. It was black and white for him. No grey areas.

"You never once told me!" Dad roared. "Never! All three of you!" His eyes were glossy as they shifted between Blake, Penelope and Mom... he was hurt.  His head jerked to the side, a high decibal growl coming through as his orbs turned silverish, his wolf ascending fully yet not shifing skins.
He met Blake's stare with a challenge...

Blake let his wolf come up to greet dads, teeth and claws coming out to play as he snarled. "Jack i don't want to fight you but you are challenging my wolf. Stand down lets talk about this."

An agonizing scream of rage.. Dad shifted fully, bones cracking as fur pierced through pores.. resulting in a large wolf growling menacingly at Blake... our eyes wide with fright

"Get out. Now." An Alpha's command straight from the wolf.

We obeyed, all of us running out of the room as I watched Blake open the french doors to the balcony which had stairs that led down to the backyard of the packhouse.

We ran, forgetting about one another's betrayel to the other and clambered downstairs, bursting through the backdoor as we watched two large wolves in attack stance on the balcony, chests low to the ground.. hackles raised with ears flat on their heads. Dad's grey wolf with silver eyes snapping rabidly at Alpha Blake's dark wolf.

I watched with nervousness , feeling a hand slip into mine that made me shiver... fire from the tingles that flourished from Zaryn's touch as he held my hand in his. I bit my lip hard, forcing myself not to move away. He needed comfort in this moment and i was the only form of solace that could  calm his wolf.. i begrudgingly let him hold my hand as we watched along with Nic, Mom and Luna Penelope who was side glancing my mom with contempt.

Grace.. where did Grace go? Im sure she went running to Conrad with the news by now.. trying to get in his good graces again

Dad's wolf lunged in that moment, teeth and spittle flying as his powerful wolf leaped onto Blake's dark furred, slightly larger wolf.

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