"See you guys in the morning. Thanks again." I hear Duff say from the door.

The sound of his shoes hitting the linoleum makes me cry even more, and before I know it, he's kneeling down in front of me.

"Anastasia. Don't start crying now, baby. Please." he nearly begs me.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do, Duff. This is gonna fucking suck." I sob.

He takes a seat next to me on the couch and lays down, pulling me on top of him.

"I know baby but I'll be back before you even know it. Don't cry now, baby. We've got all night." he says in my ear.

The tears seem never ending.

"Don't cry, Ana. It kills me to see you cry. Please don't cry." he says, running his fingers through my long hair.

His words are calming to me, and I will myself to stop crying. I didn't want to make him feel bad because of me. This was my choice to stay after all.

"Listen. I'll go over there and get this over with and then I'll be back before you know it. You'll be working with Aerosmith--you fucking love Aerosmith! You won't even know I'm gone." he tries to convince me. "And look. We have our own place. We don't have to share it with anyone. When I get back it'll be just me and you."

I can't talk about it because I'll start crying again, so I just hug Duff tighter.

I'm not sure how long we sit like that, but eventually, Duff plants a kiss behind my ear.

"Wanna go out to dinner? We can go to that place you like on 42nd street?" He tries.

I shake my head.

"I don't want to waste what little time we have left. Can't we just stay in ? I'll cook us dinner." I  tell him.

He smiles. "A home cooked meal will be nice before I have to eat junk for a month"

I make my way over to our new fridge and open it. Duff and I had just gone to the grocery store yesterday, so it was fully stocked with food.

I pull out a pack of beef, some potatoes, and asparagus.

The silence in the room was palpable. Duff knew I was thinking about him leaving, and I was fully aware that I could crack again at any minute.

"What're you making beautiful?" Duff coos from behind the breakfast bar. The way he's leaning over the counter with his head resting on his chin makes him look like a little kid. I can't help but give him a little smile.

"Steak, potatoes, and asparagus" My voice cracks initially, thanks to the tears I had been crying just a few minutes prior.

I go to work preparing the food. I throw the asparagus in the oven with olive oil and garlic and do the same with the potatoes.

I don't seem to realize that Duff has gotten up from his seat until he comes back holding 3 VHS tapes.

"So are we watching Friday the 13th, Sixteen Candles, or Dirty Dancing?" He questions, and I smile.

Somehow, Duff seemed to remember everything I ever told him. It was only one time that I had mentioned how much I loved Friday the 13th-- the last time I watched it with him, he had to hold me while I cried over Axl. Last week I told him I wanted to see Dirty Dancing, and I had told him that Sixteen Candles was also a favorite.

"You never forget anything, do you?" I chuckle.

"Not when it comes to you I don't" he smiles back.

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