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POV Liz:
Mark just left and i'm also going home because Jacob needs to do homework. I don't have any books or anything so i can't, not that i mind! I pack my bags and Jacob comes in.
Jacob: "hey are you feeling?"
Me: "i don't know what to feel...i'm excited that we found him and we're going to meet him but i'm also mad that he left in the first place!"
Jacob: "maybe he had a good reason for it! Let's just wait until Sunday."
Me: "i guess i'll have to."
Jacob: "yeah, come on don't be upset about John!"
Me: "i'm also kind of nervous for school tomorrow..."
Jacob: "don't be! They'll love you and i'm in your class so don't worry!"
Me: "how do you know we're in the same class?!"
Jacob: "my teacher e-mailed the whole class yesterday."
Me: "and you tell me now?!"
Jacob: "haha, sorry, i wanted it to be a surprise for when you actually went to school but i couldn't hold it in!"
Me: "aaaaarg!"
I jump on top of him and we start wrestling. I wish every day could be like this. We're always smiling and happy when we're around each other. He takes my head and starts kissing me. Of course i kiss back! But then we hear Rolf coming to Jacob's room and i quickly get off of him.
Rolf: "don't worry guys, i used to be a teenager too! But Jacob you really should start with your homework!"
Jacob: "yeah, just a sec. I'm helping Liz pack.
Rolf: "okay."
And he walks away. I give Jacob another quick kiss and we start packing again.
After about 10 minutes i'm at the door, ready to go. Jacob comes over and hugs me tight.
Jacob: "i'll pick you up tomorrow at 8:00 AM because school start at 8:30 and the buss leaves at 8:15!"
Me: "okay!"
I give him a last kiss, he opens the door for me and i go home. My mom's waiting for me in the hall.
Mom: "hii sweety!"
Me: "hello mom."
I give her a hug and put down my stuff.
Mom: "you must be starving! I'll make you some lunch!"
Me: "why am i starving?"
Mom: "your face is getting slimmer."
Me: "is that bad?"
Mom: "i don't want you getting too thin."
Me: "o..."
Mom: "anyways...what do you want to eat?"
Me: "i'm not that hungry."
Mom: "Liz...what's wrong?"
Me: "nothing."
Mom: "don't you dare starve yourself!"
Me: "i'm not!"
Mom: "good, but we're eating! Do you want salmon on a bun?"
Me: "okay."
I sit down at the table. I don't have an eating disorder if that's what she thinks. I'm proud of my body!
She makes lunch and we eat and talk about everything i did.
I have not seen Jacob today anymore, but he'll come pick me up tomorrow and we'll go to school together! Can't wait!
*next day*
I wake up at 7 am and go downstairs. I check all my social media, eat and put on some short clothes. At about 8 Jacob comes to pick me up.
Jacob: "i hope other boys won't fall for you wearing that!"
Me: "is it too revealing?"
Jacob: "it's just right!"
I think he likes it. We walk to the bus and get in. I see there are about 20 children all talking with someone. We go to sit in front.
Me: "who are your friends?"
Jacob: "i've got one, Max but he goes by car."
Me: "o, and who should i be friends with?"
Jacob: "well, not with Maddie because she is like the annoying 'popular' girl who thinks she is the bomb while really everyone talks about her behind her back."
Me: "o."
Jacob: "but her twin sister Mackenzie is nice."
Liz: "okay!"
We get to school and go to our class. We sit next to each other.
Me: "where is Mackenzie?"
Jacob points at the girl behind me.
Mackenzie: "hi! You're new?!"
Me: "yes, hii i'm Liz!"
Mackenzie: "nice to meet you...wait...are you Jacob's girlfriend?!"
Me: "yes."
Mackenzie: "oh my god i saw the video of you outside in the night on Jacob's Instagram you are hilarious!"
Me: "haha, thanks!"
We talk until the teacher comes in. Mackenzie is really nice.
Teacher: "hello class i hope you had a great vacation! I would like to introduce you to a new student. Liz, come on up!"
I stand up and walk to the front of the class.
Teacher: "this is Liz. She moved here and is now going to school here."
POV Jacob:
I see Hunter looking at her like he's in love! But she's mine, so too bad!
Teacher: "are there any questions for her?"
Hunter: "are you single?!" 
Liz: "ehh..."
Me: "no."
Liz: "exactly..."
Blake: "who's you boyfriend?"
Liz: "Jacob!"
And she smiles at me.
Hunter: "o."
I feel like the luckiest guy in the world!

Hey, after i've posted this whole story (there are 59 chapters) i'll be writing a Blake Gray fanfic because he's hotttt😍😂

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