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POV Jacob:
That was so cute! Can't believe it just happened!
Me: "so are you going to post it?"
Loren: "hell yeah!"
We start playing again. Eventually Liz is first, Loren second, Mark third and i'm last. But i let Liz win because that's just what i do!
Some lady: "so, how did it go?"
Liz: "great!"
Some lady: "awesome, that will be $20 in total."
Me: "i'll pay."
Mark: "we'll pay you back."
Me: "it's okay, leave it."
Loren: "thanks!"
We roll back to my house where Loren's mom is just about to leave.
Loren: "mom, wait up!"
Loren's mom: "hey hunny. I hope you guys have the best time at Disney!"
Loren: "thank you, i love you, byeee!"
And she drives away.
Mom: "we're going to eat, come inside!"
We sit down at the table.
Me: "where's dad?"
Mom: "he's working on a case."
Mark: "what happened?"
Mom: "top secret." *winks*
Me: "and the sis?"
Mom: "sleepover with her friends."
We eat mac 'n cheese and for dessert ice cream. When we're done we go upstairs.
Loren: "i'm so excited we're going to Disney and see some fans! We should play games with them and go on rides, they would love that!"
Mark: "yesss!"
Liz: "did you post the video?"
Loren: "5 minutes ago."
Me: "how did they react?"
Loren: "see it yourself!"
I go to her instagram to the video.
Me: "people are going crazy! Some think it's weird that you have a new boyfriend that fast but most think it's cute!"
Loren: "o my god!"
Liz: "what?"
Loren: "o my god!!"
Mark: "what's wrong?"
Loren: "o my-"
Me: "LOREN! What's wrong?!"
Loren: "Joey DM'ed me! Look what he says!"
She hands me the phone and i read out loud.
Me: "Hey Loren. I feel awful for that kiss with the girl. I still love you. I know Mark is just a friend, i'm not dumb. And i understand you're doing this to make me jealous, and it's working, but listen to me. If you've come to your senses, i would love to take you back. You're the apple of my eye, my world. I don't know what i'd do without you. Will you be my girlfriend again?❤️🌟💍"
Liz: "he can wright a book with that!"
Mark: "how dare he say that?! Are you going to answer?"
Loren: "i want to, what should i say?"
Me: "say: 'Mark and i are really dating and you should've thought about this before you started kissing some other girl. Also, you are dumb.'"
Loren: "okay! But what if he starts talking trash about me?"
Me: "he became famous because of you, that would be stupid. But if he does, use that and tell everyone why you guys broke up."
Loren: "okay, good one. I'm DM'ing him back now."
She sends it. Before we know it he sends something back.
Loren: "you will regret this."
Liz: "that sounds like a threat. If you don't feel safe you can go to the police. We have evidence!"
Loren: "not anymore, he deleted the message. What a jerk."
Mark: "i'll protect you!"
Loren: "aww, that's so sweet!"
Liz: "jacob, at what time are we going to Disney?"
Jacob: "9 am."
Mark: "that's pretty early."
Loren: "but it's a 3 hour drive, so in that case it's okay, we can also rest in the car."
In the meanwhile it's 8 pm.
Me: "since we're going so early, lets sleep."
Liz: "i don't think we all fit on 1 mattress."
Me: "true. Mark and Loren can go in my sister's room, she's not here anyways."
Loren: "okay, bye!"
She takes Mark's hands and they're gone.
Me: "can't wait to be grown up."
Liz: "why?"
Me: "so i can marry you."
Liz: "aww. I love you so much, you have no idea!"
She sits on my lap and we kiss. Long. I lift her up onto my bed while we're kissing and go on top of her. I lay down next to her and we cuddle. Before we know it we're asleep.

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