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POV Liz:
It's Monday, i'm so excited to go swimming! I see Jacob's still asleep. Cute.
Jacob: "waooh! You could have just shake me!"
Me: "i actually wanted to throw water over you so be glad!"
Jacob: "okay, okay. Thank you i guess."
We get dressed go downstairs and eat.
Jacob: "you still want to go to the pool?"
Liz: "yeahh!"
Jacob: "okay well why don't you get your bikini and i'll get mine."
Liz: "yeah you go get your bikini girl!"
Jacob: " know what i mean!"
I get my key and go get my bikini. I also just put it on because it would be awkward doing that in front of him... I'm done. I pack my bag and go back to Jacob's house.
Liz: "you done?!"
Jacob: "yeah but i don't know if i want to go..."
Liz: "what, why not?!"
Jacob: "i don't have anything close to a six-pack..."
Liz: "you think i care?! You're 13 come on that really does not matter!"
Jacob: "you're right. Lets go it's super close, like 10 minutes walking."
We get there and put our clothes in a locker.
POV Jacob:
Damn she fine, wonder when she'll be mine. I walk to her.
Me: "let's first go in the waterslide!"
Liz: "yaaaaasss."
Me: "ladies first!"
Liz: "you just want to see the booty."
Me: "uhm..."
Liz: "i'm totally kidding, see you at the other side!"
And off she goes! I wait a little but then go after her.
Jacob: "girl you...Liz?!"
Where is she? I get out the little pool area and i don't see her. I get kind of panicked.
Liz: "BOO!"
Me: "wowowowowowow!"
The impact was so hard i fall on my butt. I close my eyes.
Liz: "oh my god, i'm so so so sorry! Are you okay?!"
I keep my eyes closed just to prank her back.
POV Liz:
Shit what did i do?! I come closer to his head to see if he's bleeding or something.
Me: "jacob?!"
I come closer. Then he finally opens his eyes and smiles. We're so close.
Me: "damn it Jacob, you scared the heck out of me!"
He's just looking into my eyes.
Me: "can i do anything to make it up to you?!"
He points at his cheek. What do i do?! O well. I lean in to kiss it and...well i just do and help him up.
Me: "you okay?!"
Jacob: "well, i'm great now!"
Me: "let's just go swim now."
We swim and have a lot of fun. After a few hours we're exhausted and we go home. Overall a good day!

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