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POV Liz:
I wake up and see i'm the first one awake. I look around to find the clock. There it is: 9 am. They should be awake by now! I turn towards Jacob and gently shake him awake but he does not do anything. I get up out my bed and lay next to him. I look at his shut eyes. I feel a hand coming on my hip and Jacob opens his eyes.
Jacob: "good morning beautiful."
Me: "hello handsome."
I give him a kiss and get up closer to him.
Me: "at what time are Loren and Mark going home?"
Jacob: "i think around 12 or 1 because they have a long ride ahead."
Me: "okay, too bad because it was really fun!"
Jacob: "yeah..."
He's pretty silent.
Me: "what's wrong?"
Jacob: "i feel bad for the whole Loren thing."
Me: "jacob, it was not your fault, it was an accident and i'm not mad at either one of you!"
Jacob: "but it's not the truth."
Me: "what do you mean?"
Jacob: "when Loren and i went to my room i challenged her to fight me because she said i was stronger. We started and i, indeed, was stronger so i accidentally pushed her off the bed and i fell  on top of her. She said her shoulder was stuck so i gave it a massage. Then she wanted a little kiss on it and i did not think it would be bad or anything since we are just friends. But then she turned around, grabbed my face and kissed me. But i swear, i did not kiss back, i pulled away!"
Me: "i'm still not mad at you. It was still not your fault. How could i be mad at you for something that you did not do?! And girls think different than guys, loren must have thought you wanted it, i get her. Maybe she does like you, but you've got 10 million other girls that like you. Believe me, i've thought about this when you told me you were famous but i accepted it. Plus, she lives 4 hours away! But i don't see her as a 'threat'!"
Jacob: "you don't know how happy i am to hear that!"
He hugs me. I'm really not mad. Maybe a little disappointed in Loren because she has Mark and well, he's my big brother! I just wish he could live closer to us.
Jacob: "wake up Mark?"
Me: "sure, but wait. Do we need to tell him? I think it's better to let Loren tell him or not at all."
Jacob: "i don't know...he deserves to know the truth...but we'll first talk to Loren."
POV Loren:
I heard everything Jacob told Liz. The worst part is that it's true. But i love that Liz is not mad! I would've not done so nice to me if i were her.
Me: "guys...hey. I heard everything."
Liz: "o, hey good morning."
Me: "good morning...thanks you for being such a good friend and forgiving was a mistake. I've been thinking about the whole thing and at first i was really developing feelings for Jacob, but i thought about everything the whole night and it was really a mistake. And yes i thought he also wanted it. But i really don't have feeling for you Jacob, i love Mark. And he deserves to know the truth too."
I hear someone softly crying. I turn to Mark and see it's him.
Mark: "you kissed him on purpose?!"
Me: "mark..."
Mark: "what did i do to deserve this?! All i wanted to do is make people happy while everyone around is trying to bring me down. What did i do?!"
Me: "mark, i love you! It was a mistake, a stupid action i did not think about...i all happened so fast! But i really really really really don't like Jacob. There's a reason i love you! You make me smile and i feel safe with you. Disney with you was magical and i'd do anything to go back with only you, but every where i go with you is magical. When you smile, my day can't get any better! And this all happened in a few days, but it will last for so long! Our relationship is irreplaceable! I wouldn't trade it for anything in the whole world!"
Mark: "i don't know..."
Jacob: "mark, she loves you. Can't you see?!"
In the meanwhile i also got tears in my eyes because seeing Mark unhappy makes me sad too.
Mark: "promise me this was a 1-time-thing..."
Me: "pinky-promise!"
Mark: "okay, come here!"
I walk over to his mattress and lay next to him we hug and slowly stop crying.
After half an hour of silence but just jacob&liz and mark&me cuddling we get breakfast. When it's about 10 am we clean up everything and bring the mattresses back upstairs. When all of that is finished we have about an hour and a half left until my mom arrives here. Mark's mom comes later because he lives about 2 hours away from here.
Mark: "we made way too little selfies with each other! Lets go outside to look for good spots."
Liz: "good idea."
We go outside and make tons of group selfies to post later. Jacob's phone goes off.
Jacob: "that was my mom...your mom is here Loren."
We walk back home.
Me: "guys...lets not tell anyone about what happened yesterday. Not even your best friend."
Mark: "of course not!"
We are back at jacob's house and go inside where we find my mom and Jacob's mom talking over a cup of tee.
Me: "hii mom!"
Mom: "hey hunny! Get your bags we're leaving in 15 minutes because i want to be home before 5 pm so i can make dinner."
Me: "okay."
I get my bags and am ready to go. After a lot of hugs and kisses (from mark) and goodbyes i finally get out the door. These were some amazing days that i will never forget!

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