"Arasso, but promise me we won't be fast okay?" I ask as he nodded. he swept his tears away and lead me the direction. We finally arrived at a hotel.

Seriously? It have a hotel here? But.. pfft it's sokay.

He stop his steps again and ask me for close my eyes and don't open until he ask me to open. I just nod.

I just follow his direction like he lead me, a blind girl.

"noona, wait here. And don't open it okay. Wait for me first." He said as he stop and let go my hand. I even can say anything. I just stand there alone and scared feeling start take over myself again.

Suddenly I feel a pair of hand hug me from back and I automatically shout.

"Shhh, don't shout." A familiar voice said.

"Don't open  your eyes until I ask you to open." The voice said again.

Is it Woohyun? But impossible he will be here?

A hand hold mine and lead me to somewhere. I think he lead me into the hotel since I can feel the aircond. My steps stop when I feel I was hit someone's back.

"Wait here, and count until 30 loudly, so I can here you. After you counted until 30 just open your eyes immediately. I just nodded since I feel that I know that voice belonging.

I start count it loudly. " 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17, 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30!" I immediately opened my eyes.

There's have candles, it's like a sign that it would like brought me to somewhere. I slowly take my first steps by steps because it just to dark here.

This is not funny Woohyun. What actually you want to do? And who's child tht you kidnap to do this? You're so cruel tho.

I stop from walking since no more candles. I saw a silhoute was walking in front me. I just try to look for it but it was to dark.


All the light suddenly open and reaveled Woohyun infront of me holding a bunch of roses. He look deep into my eyes and he take steps by steps near me.

"The only person that I want to be with until the entire of my life I was never expect you will be the one when we met for the first time but when I getting know about yourself, you just make me feel comfortable to be around you and always want to be by your side. And when our first day to be together come, I still feel that we might not have this relationship longer since, you know the fans around me are crazy of me. And when the day you left Seoul without telling me, I think I should stop to love you and look for another women that  willing to be with me whether I'm in a hard time or fine." He stop in front of me and past me the roses. I start feeling confused.


"Shh... listen to me first." He said as he put his index finger on my lips.

"We can see our future but this time I'm honestly and sincerely want to make you as my life patner. So will you willing to be with me for the entire of my life and stay with me whether I'm in a hard time or fine?" He said as he pulled out a red box and kneeling down infront of me. I just speechless.

"I d...don't know Woohyun."

Nam Woohyun Pov

"I d...don't know Woohyun."She said and it really broke my heart a lot.

"But why?" I ask as I look at her.

"Just what about Lee Jungyeop dae--"

"I already told hin about everything that happen between me, you and Myungsoo. And it just a misunderstanding." I explain.

"I still have to think about it first." She said. I let a sigh as I stand and walk away.

"I wait for you in the car." I said without looking at her.

"Woohyun!" She shout my name but I ignore her. I hear a footsteps from afar getting closer. Suddenly a pair of hand were wrap around my waist as my steps stop.

"Are you upset with me?"

"N..no." i said. I remove her hands from my waist and walk again.

"I'm so sorry." She said. I ignore her again. I walk along the beach as her word keep playing in my mind.

"Heol, I never thought you will this sensitive."

I look infront and revealed Hyuni.

"Let's go." I said.

"Woohyun hear me first!" She shout. I stop my steps again and look at her.

"One minute start now." I said.

"You thought you're the only one who can make me upset in this relationship? Huh! Leaving me here alone and ask a child to lead me there? And leave me there alone again? You know what the word that I just said just now was a joke to make you upset too. daepyonim already told me about that." She said as she stand infront of me.

"Well I don't ha..... wait what?" I look at her. she look deep into my eyes.

"So?" She make a poker face.

I quickly pinch her cheeks. "Yah, did you think this is funny? You just make me look like a loser. And infact you just ruin my way to propose you." I whining as she laugh.

"You shouldn't do that actually. No matter what and how your ways to propose me, I will accept you and willing to be with you the entire of my life." She confess. I just smiled widely.

"Stop make me look like your girlfriend babe." I said as I caress her cheeks. I kiss her forehead, her eyes and cheek.

"Thank you, my love." I said as I kiss her lips passionately.

"I love you, Nam Woohyun." She said between the kiss.

"Now, this story will be 'Between me and you' no longer 'Between me, you and him' , okay?" I look at her. She just nodded.

"I love you too my future life patner." I said as I kiss her again.


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