"You okay, biggums?" I sweetly queried, kissing one of her hands. Ray blushed and glanced down at her feet.

"I'm still not used to that," she laughed.

"You should be by now. We're married," I whispered. Ray giggled, showing off her creme colored teeth. I continued, "We should head back to the party."

"I've got a surprise for you when we get there," she said.

"Okay. Any hints beforehand?"



Preston jumped in with Ty and his group while Mitch drove with Adam, Fia, Mat, and I.

Within thirty minutes, the two groups became one once again at the location of the party. Mitch finally realized what I was wearing.

"Ray! You've got the girl version of my skin!" Mitch called out.

"No shit Sherlock," I groaned, a smirk on my face.

"So… what was that surprise?"

"You'll see." I ran up to the stage, grabbed a microphone stand with a mic on it, and brought the stand to the front of the stage. I took a deep breath.

"Sorry Fia," I begun, "You said Beautiful would work, but I've kinda found another song. I like this better cause you know… wedding day stuff."

Fia chuckled but nodded. I smiled.

I started singing, my hands wrapped around the microphone. I gazed at Mitch almost the whole time, occasionally glancing over at Preston, Fia, Jerome, Carter, and Caleb.

"There is freedom within

there is freedom without

Try to catch a deluge in a paper cup

There's a battle ahead 

many battles are lost

But you'll never see the end of the road

While you're traveling with me

Hey now, hey now

Don't dream it's over

Hey now, hey now

When the world comes in

They come, they come

To build a wall between us

We know they won't win

Now I'm towing my car

there's a hole in the roof

my possessions are causing me suspicion but there's no proof

In the paper today 

Tales of war and of waste

But you turn right over to the T.V. page

Hey now, hey now

Don't dream it's over

Hey now, hey now

When the world comes in

They come, they come

To build a wall between us

We know they won't win

Now I'm walking again 

To the beat of a drum

And I'm counting the steps to the door of your heart

Only shadows ahead

barely clearing the roof

Get to know the feeling of liberation and relief..."

Tears begun to stream down my face. I knew this song all too well. This was the theme to one of my favorite fanfictions (breaking the fourth wall). I read it before I met Mitch, and before I met Jerome, and even Adam, Ty, and Jason.

"Hey now, Hey now

Don't dream it's over

Hey now, Hey now

When the world comes in

They come, they come

To build a wall between us

You know they won't win

Don't let them win"

There were enemies we faced before Mitch and I got married. There were enemies in high school… Luna was considered an enemy. Caleb was considered an enemy, so was Johnny (RIP). Ashley and Allison were still problems, but right then and there. Right at that moment when I belted out those last lines, the only thing I could think of was how happy I was, being with the love of my life, all my best friends, my brother, and the people I call my family.

"Hey now, Hey now

Hey now, Hey now

Hey now, Hey now

Don't let them win

They come, They come

Don't let them win

Hey now, Hey now

Hey now, Hey now!"

The guests erupted into applause as I concluded my song. Everyone came up to congratulate me on my singing. I only noticed Fia standing aside from the crowd, her eyes set on Adam, who was at my side. Although it was my wedding day, from that moment on, I was determined to make her life happy with Adam. It started with a song...

Living on a Few Wishes //BajanCanadianxOC Fanfiction//Where stories live. Discover now