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You say she's shallow
That girl over there
What makes you say that? Her makeup? Her perfect hair?
Can't someone look good without being a bitch in this world?

You say she's dumb
That girl over there
What makes you say that? Her bright eyes? The wide smile she shares?
Can't someone be happy without being an idiot in this world?

You say she's a slut
That girl over there
What makes you say that? Her short shorts? The crop top she wears?
Can't someone wear what they want without being a whore in this world?

We aren't bitches or idiots or whores
And we aren't yours
We belong to ourselves
We are who we want to be
Your labels don't bother us, you see
You are a nobody
In this world

Misty (a collection of my poetry) {{COMPLETE}}Where stories live. Discover now