Miss Universe

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Her eyelashes are nebulas
Her freckles are the stars
Her fingertips spin galaxies
And string along the meteors

Her hair is strewn with planets
That spin and orbit endlessly
Twin wings of stardust feathers
Carry her to infinity

She inhales a flavorless void
Exhales planets, moons, delicacies
She leaps and twirls with bare feet
And skirts sewn from strands of galaxies

She pirouettes with effortless grace
Through wrinkles in time and creases in space
Shimmering new stars fall into place
In the weaving path she continues to trace

Solar systems decorate
Her ankles and fingers, her wrists and waist
The darkness slowly dissipates
As her dance accelerates

Supernovas burst against her skin
Leaving black holes in their wake
They draw moons and stars and planets in
That she recycles and recreates

About her she builds a universe
Love and hate, kindness and sin
She creates life and death, an endless cycle
But one where she doesn't fit in

She dances alone.

Misty (a collection of my poetry) {{COMPLETE}}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن