Chapter 24

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A?N K hey guys Thx u soo much for voting and commenting, I luv u all. Hope u all enjoy my books, i luv feedback, and votes and well who doesn't.

Luv u all. Mck.<3


The wind whistled past me, as I fell, faster and faster like a star. This was going to hurt...A LOT. I've been through a lot of pain, what difference is this going to be. Well the fact that I'm not being bit over and over and being slammed into tree's or thrown some where is a bit different, this one was full contact with ground from four story's high. I think there is a bit of difference.

Arms wrapped around me, just as I was a few feet away from the ground, the person landed lightly, and started running like they'd hadn't stopped. I looked up to find Dawnar staring straight ahead, towards the woods.


Just as I was about to struggle even if it was useless, he stared down, his green eyes staring deep into mine. I felt frozen, like the world was in his eyes, in many shades of green. Like a forest, but more covered in moss.

I was mesmerized. "Do you know how much I missed you?" He whispered. It was retorical question.

Even if I wanted to answer I couldn't, it was almost impossible. I felt weak as I stared into the spell in his eyes.

His green eyes were almost every green there is if that was possible. He was influencing me, with just a stare.

I wasn't sure how long I had been staring into his green eyes, but he suddenly stopped. He snapped his gaze away from me. I broke from the deep spell, and could hear a alarm, it was quiet, in the distance, but I'm assuming it's from the council. Needing to search for me.

I started struggling. Thrashing at every point I could get.

"No, let me go, I don't want you around me." I screeched. His brow raised.

"Why? So they can find you again and kill you?" He said with sarcasm, and the roll of the eyes.

I never thought about that. Heck I just kept thinking of running, or suicide. But that wasn't my fault.

"At least...I'll be away from you." I yelled. He slapped me across the face, making me bite into my lip, drawing some blood.

"Did they not promise you to trust them? That they would protect you?" He asked in a quiet voice, and I actually thought about it. I knew he was right. Was any of this worth being caught again? Just to be killed?

No, it wasn't. I'd have to win this some way or the other. It was my duty.

He smiled. " I know I'm right. Thats why I'll have the pleasure of finally finishing you." He growled.

His hand caressed my face lightly and I pulled away from him. Finally getting out of his grasp.

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