Chapter 23

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"Seriously." I groaned. Dawnar threw a smirk, the light catching part of it.

"If you can't kill her then I will do the job." Dawnar said. My body was trembling. Why me?

Patricks arms wrapped around me tighter. I tryed pulling away, but there was no room to squirm.

"Is she to hard to handle? Trust me I know. But I do know how to take care of it the easy way." Then Dawnar turned his gaze towards me, I flinched. "I should have killed you the first time I found you at the school. Then there would be no reason for this idiot, to do it." He growled.

Pat's hold on me tightned. Any more tighter I would pop, literally.

It was my turn to break the silence, as it took over us. "Then you should have at the time, but no, you didn't and it's too late." I glared. I pursed my lips.

A low growl rumbled from his chest.

"SO SCARY!" I gasped in a sarcatastic way. Pat started laughing quietly. I will be honest. I do not know where the busrst of strength came from, usaually when I first see him I am trying to run as fast as I can. Not today, which was strange. Maybe it was the talk with Patrick, or argument, whatever way.

Dawnar was shaking in fury which had me laughing even harder. Patrick had long ago let me go a bit.

"So Patrick. You seem to be having...feelings for the girl." Dawnar mocked. I froze. That wasn't right. I'm sure I had heard wrong.

Patrick must have sensed my discomfort and let me go slightly.

"A vampire? Have feeling for me?" I said a bit nervous, that was probably the worse to hear ever. Screw my life if it were the truth.

Patrick spoke up then. "Why would you think that? I want her as much as dead as you."  I let out a fustrated sigh, they really have to talk about that in front of me.

Dawnar cracked a small smile at my expression, and it made me even more mad. Same old stupid Dawnar. "I'm done wasting time. I'll make you a deal. If you give me the girl I'll do the pleasure of killing her, and that will keep your hands clean." He said. I dropped my mouth to say something but Patrick took the words out of my mouth.

"I will not let you have the girl, and what kind of deal is that?" He said hard, a small growl building in the center of his chest, it shook me lightly.

Then I remembered that I was still in his arms, and tryed to pull myself out, he sat up pulling me to his chest in a unbreakable grip. Dawnar raised a brow to me.

"Well, the other part of the deal is that I will never set foot here again, or kill any of you. Only if I get the girl. If you don't give her to me, I will surely go into a killing frenzy and destroy anything from the smallest blade of grass to a building or bridge. So I'm sure you wouldn't want that to happen." He said.

"Unless you want me to expose all vampire kind. Your choice ." He said. Even I thought that was unfair, and I hated vampire's.

"That won't happen unless I finish. You come near her I will snap her fragile neck. Then there is no reason for you to be here." Pat said tightening his hold on me, crushing my ribs almost to breaking point.

"Stop," I groaned in pain. It only made him tighten even more. I winced. Dawnar caught my eye, and I could read the deadly expression in it. He was going to lunge before Patrick could kill me.

He lunged, and I was thrown to the floor, unsure of what just happened. My knee's slammed hard. Taking most of the fall.

I didn't hesitate though. I took off running towards the door. Remembering it was locked. I slammed my fists against it, screaming as loud as I could. No one was going to come and help, no one would disturb Patrick from what he was doing.

I ran to the little balcony that was in his room, I'm sure every room had one.

I climbed over the railing not looking down, but when I did, I was at least four story's high from the ground. I cursed silently.

I turned my attention to the fuming Dawnar. He was walking up to me slowly. Trying to keep his calm. "Emily, don't do that, that's dangerous. Come back to me and I'll treat better, I'm sorry I did that to just make me crazy. But please, come back here and we can hide." He said. I snorted.

It was like one of those loving lines in movies that always turn back to bite you in the ass. He was almost close enough to touch me. One more step he would be able to grab me.

And with that step he took, I let go, screaming, as I fell from four story's. Come one, let me make it okay away from this, just this once. Let me see my family once more then take me, just keep them away from me. I prayed in my head.

Everything was spinning fast as I flew closer to the ground. Tree's, sky, the building, tree's,sky, the building. Over and over again as I fell and they flew past in my vision.

 I stopped screaming, as I was out of breath. And closed my eyes for the deadly impact coming towards me at lightening speed.

Let me live a bit longer. I know I've asked for death a million times, but I think I'm starting to realize why I'm here. Please. I pleaded once again.


Okay heres the next chapter.

If u want the other chapter I need u ALL to comment, and vote and become my fans.

If anything dont make sense plz ask me and i'll tell u thx








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