Chapter 7

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 He avoided me after that, the sounds of the tv sounded, at first I ignored it, while I was sitting in the corner of the bedroom by myself, until I heard some thing on the news.

  Quickly getting up and making my way towards the main room, Dawnar sat there with a amused grin on his face. If only I could slap it off, but my eye caught a picture on the news being shown made me lose my thoughts.

  It was me, a previous picture this year of me at school. The blood drained from my face as I stared blankly at it. The woman's voice started.

" Emily Heige, went missing a few days ago on August 9. After staying after school late to finish a project, only to never return home." She took a breath and continued,. plastering her fake smile on her face.

"Police were called and there has been no traces for Emily, family and friends and a giant group of supporting people are helping the search in order to find her. If you know anything please contact the police." They showed the picture again before switching towards a different story about a grand opening for a new store opening up in my hometown.

  At least they were looking for me, I wouldn't lose hope incase they did ever find me. But deep down in my heart I had a strong feeling they would never see me again, not after everything I've been through. Besides I wouldn't know what to say on how I was kidnapped, I don't think society would believe me if I said a vampire kidnapped me.

A low chuckle came from Dawnar as he watched my expression I was opened mouth. Quickly closing it, I turned on my heel I felt a breeze touch my skin, and Dawnar was at the bedroom door I was going to. Leaning against the side with a arm on his head almost like he was posing.

 "Move." It was a deadly, yet quiet tone.  A smirk touched the corners of his lips. He always had something to smile about, even in the worst of times. I turned back around heading towards the bathroom to avoid him, a more private place I must say.

But again he was there, in the same position. I threw my hands in the air angry, tears brimmed at the edge of my eyes.

Why does this have to be me?  I never did anything to deserve this kind of punishment for something I didn't understand what I did. Thinking back to the past few days starting at the moment when I was kidnapped, it all never made sense.

 He must have caught the look on my face. "You poor baby, You still don't understand why your here do you?"He said as if reading my mind.

  Teeth gritted, I looked away, with my eyes closed, icy cold fingers touched my neck. Making me jump. But stayed still as his hand caressed my face.

"I already told you, its as simple as that."

"It's not when you have a thousands things running through your head."

"And what kind of things are those babe?"He asked.

I hated that name, I was not his babe, I was his so called toy.

A gasp escaped from me as I found myself sitting on the couch that was still a bit of distance from where I had been, as Dawnars cold hands were on my shoulders sending goosebumps on me. Pulling away I stared at his green eyes.

Lost in them,  he began to explain for a second time to me.

"You are with me, because I want you, your blood, your body everything. Why? Because your blood is so powerful, there's something in your blood, I've noticed it more since I took blood from you, I think when I did that it awakened something inside of you and is being called forward, the more it's pulled from it's hiding place I'm sure you could become as strong as me. A vampire can sense that power; they'll come searching for you till they get you, and drink every last drop, till your dead. Once we drink till your dead we basically suck your soul from your body and we are even more powerful, that is the same for any human only you were born different, there's no word too call you but powerful, I don't know."He paused racking his thoughts together.

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