Chapter 1

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The scent of a girl about 18-19 was in the air, it was the freshest in the area, I was too hungry to even care about looking for someone else, besides she smelled so sweet, that I had to try her, if I like her maybe I would just keep her for a bit longer.

Why not? It would be fun having a human around me, something to play with.

I followed the scent to a high school, it was around 5:30pm and the sun was already setting, thank goodness, I didn't have to worry about my eyes hurting so much. I pulled off the black sunglasses I wore and jumped to the roof, looking for a way in.

It wasn't hard and I walked through the halls as quiet as a ghost, my footsteps making no sound, just the sound of my breathing. As I neared a class room I could here the sound of a heart pumping loud, and juicy. My throat burned, as her scent filled my nose and my eyes go red.

The door was open wide, and as I peered over I could see a long haired blonde sitting at a computer searching about the world war 2. Her back was facing my direction which was even easier.

I pushed my back to the wall hiding in the shadows in the corners of the room. Just waiting for her to finish up. I think I may just have to scare her a bit to get the blood pumping through her more, it's always more tasty when fear sets in them.


I let out a sigh, I really hated history and was failing terribly right now, Mr. Rupert said I could get my mark up to passing point by doing this assingment that was due tomorrow. It was on world war II. I didn't want to do this it was stuiped if I wanted to do some thing with history I would look it up on my own will.

I searched aimlessly, finding small pieces of things that I wasn't even sure was on the same topic, but it was nearing 6 and I was getting a headache, my head was pounding and I was hungry. This wasn't fair. I'm gonna have to move down to applied, Oh wait I already did that. I must be that stupid, well not necessarily because I just ditched my history at least everyday and went on texting to friends.

The janitors were finishing up there last bit of cleaning, so I didn't have long now, I was almost done anyway.

Just then something felt like there was a difference in the room, like I was being watched. I stopped searching and turned my head slowly to see if anyone was in here, but nothing was moved or touched so I pushed the feelings away from me.

Turning back to my work I heard the janitors putting all there stuff away and headed towards the exit in the hall, great now I was all alone, they probably thought I would have left. I heard the locks on the main entrance echo through the school.

I could just walk out easily it would unlock I just can't get back in was the problem. Like I wanted to come back in. I thought.

With another sigh I stood up, logging myself off and grabbing my bag. I was nearly at the door in the classroom when it slammed shut making me jump in the air about 5 feet with a small yelp. But still nothing moved.

"Hello?"I called out into the darkness. I would have gone to turn on the light but I didn't want to go near the door. The light was off for a reason because of the headache that errupted me and the light didn't help so I had turned it off an hour ago maybe thats why the janitor left, not checking on me if I were here. I tried peering through the darkness, but couldn't see or hear anything. The only source of light was that coming out of the windows.

I thought it was just me losing it, I walked up to the door, turning the handle, when I was slammed into the wall on the other side of the room. A hand was clamped onto my mouth to stop me from screaming, the shattering impact from the wall came in contact with my spine and I took in a huge gasp.

A growl ripped in the quiet of the night. A shiver ran through me and my heart was thumping very loud. I struggled against the person holding me.

"Stop moving or I'll hurt you."Said a male voice. I froze, I realized that the mans hands were freezing. And how did I get over here so quickly?

I mumbled into his hand trying to say 'What do you want with me?' but it was muffled.

"Don't scream. Or else."He threatened, his voice was menacing yet seductive, if only I could see his face. I did a sloppy nod as he let me go.

"What do you want with me?" I asked quietly. There was silence then the voice said. "You. Come with me."He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him, he opened the door and walked towards the entrance. I dare not to pull against him, not wanting to know what he'll do to me if I tried.

My heart pounded in my ears and my hands were shaking. The cool air touched my face as autumn came to season, I was dragged behind the man, stumbling behind him. "Where are we going?"I cried.

A growl escaped from him, it wasn't..........human. I took it as another warning. Tears were falling to the ground as I was dragged out into the forest. Me stumbling over rocks and roots.

"Come on." He growled yanking me harder. The sun had longed settled down, and we were running through the dark forest, I couldn't see his face, I'm sure I didn't want to see his face.

My lungs were aching, I wanted to stop but couldn't as he cut the circulation out of my wrist. I felt that I couldn't breathe anymore. My lungs were going to explode.

"I can't run." I gasped trying to pull against him, but again he just pulled my arm tugging me forward deeper,and deeper into the forest.

My body couldn't take it anymore, my legs collapsed from underneath me, I hit the ground, he stopped pulling right away. I was gasping for breath on the cool wet ground, my lungs hurt to the point I felt like I would pass out, exhaustion was taking over me.

"I don't have time for this." He growled, bending down in the darkness and picking me up in his arms, and started running, it was as if I weighed nothing as he carried me. I lay limp to tired to fight.

The cold air whipped around, stars were starting to show through the rare little glance between leaves in the trees, I could imagine my mother waiting outside for me, with a scowl on her face, the wind rustling her blonde like hair that was very similar to mine, only what she didn't know was that I may never come back.

I'll just be another kidnapped girl, in this world that they may never find, then I passed out. 







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