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I rolled my eyes. "Of course she is. Alright Ma, I'll see you later. Love you guys." I said before kissing my moms cheek and leaving the house.


When I got to the hospital I was immediately taken by a nurse to the NICU. I'm so nervous and excited to meet my little boy.

"Alright Ms. Hansen if you'll just put this scrub jacket on and a face mask, you'll be able to hold your son." The nurse said with a kind smile as she held out the jacket and mask to me.

With shaky hands I took the items and put them on. "I-is he sick?" I asked.

"Not at all, it's just a precaution that we take when dealing with premature babies. Your baby is actually a miracle. All of his organs are healthy, he may be small but he's got lots of energy. All he needs now is you."

A wave of emotions hit me as she opened the door to the room that held about six babies inside of incubators.

"Follow me," she gestured as she walked ahead of me.

I took a deep breath before following behind her. It felt like we had been walking for a long time but as soon as we entered we stopped in front of the second incubator. I watched as she gently opened the latch. "And here he is...Baby Boy Jauregui."

I peeped inside and once I laid eyes on him I started to cry. He was everything that I could have imagined. He's got Lauren's dark hair, my nose, her face and my skin tone. The eyebrows are from Lauren as well. He just looks so beautiful and I can't believe that I helped create him.

"Can I hold him?" I asked.

"Of course, I'll take him out for you."

He started to cry once he was placed in my arms. "It's okay little guy, it's just mama." I cooed as I gently rocked him.

His crying instantly stopped and his eyes opened and my heart felt as if it had just done a cartwheel. He has my eyes. "Oh look at you, you're going to be a ladies man."

The nurse chuckled. "Have you picked a name for him yet?"

I thought for a moment before saying the first name that came to mind. "Giovanni Makai Jauregui-Hansen."

"That's so cute, did you just come up with that?"

"Thanks, yeah I did. But can we just leave it off of his birth certificate for now? I'm not sure if his mom will like it."

She didn't say anything as she pulled her pager from her pocket. "Well you'll be able to share it with her, she's awake. Would you like to take him to meet her?"

I nodded. "Yes. Please."

She nodded in response and carefully placed Geo back into his incubator.



After my surgery yesterday I asked my doctor to put me out for a few hours because I was in too much pain. Still, after sleeping for nearly 18 hours I'm in pain still but not much due to the strong ass morphine that they gave me. I refused to take it at first because I never liked taking pain meds in fear that I'd become addicted to them but being high for a good reason never hurt anyone has it?

That's my current situation, I'm high from the meds and the fact that Camila and Normani are here bothering me makes it no better.

"I think your doctor switched your chart Lauren...there's no way in hell that you have long term memory loss. Who are we?" Normani asked as she scooted her chair closer to my bed.

Video Vixen. (Laurinah Fic) [Completed.]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant