"I'm gonna miss you babe." I tell him, kissing him on the cheek and leaving a lipstick mark.

Suddenly, the door swings open and in strolls 4 scraggly, alcohol smelling, long haired, leather wearing men clutching instruments.

"Smells like sex and vodka." Adler says as soon as he walks in.

Axl looks at Duff and I and rolls his eyes. "I'm glad you got it over with before we got here so I don't have to pry you off of each other during practice." he says annoyingly.

"Fuck you." I shoot back.

I turn back towards Duff.

"I'm gonna go home and call Cheryl to see if she wants to grab drinks before the gig tonight." I tell him.

"I'll walk you home then." Duff tries.

"No. Axl's already in a bad mood. I'll be okay." I say with a smile, leaning down and connecting my lips with his.

"I love you." he says, and the butterflies in my stomach fly out of control.

"I love you too, Duff."

"Be careful." he says, and I blow him a kiss from the other side of the room.

Just as I'm about to walk out of the door, Axl calls my name.

"Ana. Hold on a second. I'm making an announcement, and I want you to be here." Axl says.

How fucking weird.

"Okay." I say, moving back across the room to take a seat on Duff's lap.

I watch as Axl switches off the record player and proceeds to take a seat in front of all of us.

"What the hell is this shit?" Slash tries to whisper to Izzy and fails miserably.

"He's probably gay. I fucking called it." Steven jokes, and everyone laughs but Axl.

He shoots Slash the death glare, and we all shut up. Axl begins to speak.

"So, while we were in Canada, I got a couple of calls. The first one was from management. MTV doesn't want to air Welcome to the Jungle." he says plainly. "I don't know why, but we're going to have to tour hard with Mötley to try and get sales up before the record flops and they don't resign us. And when Steven Tyler called to talk to Ana, he mentioned something about having us open for Aerosmith after the Mötley tour."

Damn. So that's what Axl was talking to Steven about.

"The second call that I got was from Erin. She was staying at her cousin's house in La Jolla when she started feeling sick and had to go to the doctor. Well, needless to say, she's pregnant. We're gonna have a baby in about 8 months." he says, and I bite my lip.

I didn't know how to feel about this.

I knew how much Axl loved kids and wanted to be a Dad. When we were together, he talked about it a lot. At the same time, I feel bad for him. I know he didn't get her pregnant on purpose, because it was really bad timing. He would have never started a family with her knowing he wouldn't be there for the kid because of touring. He knew what it was like growing up without a father, and he'd never do that to his kid on purpose. I was also worried about how this was going to effect the band.

Was Axl going to quit the band to help raise his kid? Was Erin going to bring the kid on tour?

"Well, congratulations on the baby man." Slash says first.

"Yeah congratulations, Axl. Sounds like it's gonna be real fucking fun." Izzy jokes.

I really didn't know what to say. This was going to cause some changes, and I wasn't sure how.

"Since we're evicted anyway, Erin and I decided to get our own place. I'm moving my shit out tomorrow" Axl says.

I look to Duff and elbow him in the ribs, urging him to tell them that we're moving out too.

"I'll still be around all the time, it's just that I don't want the baby around the drugs and the booze, you know? So I don't know right now how we're gonna work it out, but I'm not gonna fucking bail on you guys. You don't have anything to worry about." he says, and the room stays silent.

I decide that if Duff's not gonna tell them, then I was.

"Well, while we're on the topic of moving out-- Duff and I are getting our own place." I say, and the guys look between each other.

"I guess we could always get a place." Slash says to Izzy and Steven. "It'll be cheaper since we can rent one with less rooms."

Good, so everything was settled.

"Alright, on that note, I'll be going home now." I say to Duff, getting back up off his lap. I kiss him one last time and he tells me I better be careful and that he'll see me later.

I walk back towards the door and turn to the guys before walking out.

"Have a good practice, boys. And congratulations Axl."

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