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I thought for a moment.
So, if I help this thing with his revenge, he tells me what I want to know? It does sound promising.

"How do you know about my ancestry and from where this came from?" I had to be sure.

"Oh, I know a lot of things. A big lot of things." He responded. "But come on, what do you say? Bring me the Pines family, and I will help you."

His ghost entered the statue, where a blue flame appeared at its hand.

I just had to shake his hand, and the deal was sealed.

I had to think this through. Was I just gonna make a deal with a supernatural being and risk my life by giving him his revenge? I wonder if my uncle did this.

That's right! My uncle's journal! It clearly said that they were people, but this thing had already confessed that it lived longer than any human ever, so it was never a human.
That meant that somebody else in Gravity Falls knew about me, and I needed to get to them!

"I'm sorry, but I don't think that I am up to the challenge...I really don't want to hurt anybody. I don't even know who the Pines are, so how can-"

Bill came out of the statue again and crossed his arms.

"Listen, Ghost Boy, I am not saying that you have to make the deal now, I'm just telling you that you might want to consider it as an option. A reeeaal good option."

"I don't even know where they live, and you expect me to-"

"Fine, fine, I will take you there, it is not very far from here. Haha, they like to keep an eye on me from time to time."

Without a warning, he started to float towards the forest again, leaving the clearing, and I made sure to follow him, or I would just get lost again.

We walked, well, he floated, obviously, through the forest until I found another path, that even had some fresh footprints in it.

"Just keep following the path, and it will lead you to the Mystery Shack, that's where they live."

I turned to thank him, but he was gone. I looked around, but there was no trace of him.

I quickly began to walk, since it was getting late, and I didn't want to stay alone in a dark forest that contained weird rabbits and triangle ghosts.

It took some time, but soon the figure of a house become visible from the trees, and I noticed that I had been so concentrated on getting here, but I still had no idea of how to approach them.

Don't be stupid. You are not gonna accept that deal.

I reached the Mystery Shack, and seeing that the door was open, I decided to get in. There was a puddle of something in the ground, and I tried my best to no step on it.

"Hello?" I asked, but there was no answer.

I was clearly inside a gift shop.
The shop had a lot of items, but non of them seemed to be that interasting to buy, and besides they were all expensive.

There was a sound of a door opening, and... a pig appeared?

The pig came closer to my feet, smelling my shoes, and it looked up, letting out a strange sound. And to much to my dismay, it started to try to lick my shoes.

Everytime that it took a step foward, I took a step back.
"Hum...Hello?!" I tried again, still getting away from the pig. It didn't quit, so I had to sit in a table to make it change its attention.

He soon saw the puddle in the floor, and rushed to go lick it.

I slowly got off the table, and looked around once more. There was a bell near the register, so I walked there, always with an eye on the pig, and pulled it.

Looking Out For Mistletoe -ParapinesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ