Chapter 15: Two Hearts Combined

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"You really prepared this?" I asked, taking the bowl and held it as he sat down next to me.

"Well, I thought maybe we should really treasure everything while we are still together. " he stated, his voice can be dark and manly but there is gentleness that I'm feeling when he told me that.

That kinda take me out of breath. His words made my heart pound. "That is actually what I've been doing." I whispered earning a smile from him.

Then he turned serious in a split second. "Listen, Ariana..."

My eyebrows touched as I wait for him to continue. The atmosphere tonight is kinda different from the previous nights that we have. It somehow feels dark and heavy between us. I can't guarantee if this is a good thing or not so I'm don't want to assume anything. It's been hard for me to say what we are. Are we friends?

I surely do know that friends don't make out. Because I have so many guy best friends and we may care for each other too much but not to the point that I will feel the sensation and delightfulness when I'm with him.

"...Once we stepped out of this island, I still want us to talk to each...see each other. I don't want to end whatever we had here."

I suddenly looked up to see his eyes deeply staring to mine. His mouth slightly opened and I can hear his breathing. "A-after all of these?"

"Yes, let's go out sometimes too...if that's alright with you."

No! Of course not.

"Yeah, I don't see why not." I replied. I don't want to see him again. For what reason? To act like I'm fine.

I will admit it for the first time.

I'm starting like him.

And I can't continue on seeing him if all he wants is to be friends. I don't want to fall for him to the point that I might hurt myself in return. Because I'm sure that he won't like me back.

I tried getting some of the sliced fruits just to turn my attention away from him.

"I don't want to let you go, Ariana. I know I'm asking too much yet I'm the one who is pushing you away but...I really don't know. " he looked down and a pained look went visible flashed in his face. "I just can't let you go just like that because of these few months here with made me realize something. " he continued on speaking.

"You became a huge part of me in just a short time. "

I was really astonished of him. I didn't expect his confusing confession. God, I can really feel my heart pounding.

"Then don't let me go." The words came out of my mouth and even I got surprised of my own words. But all I did is bite my lips and look away from his intense stare.

But his eyes suddenly went disappointed. Instead , he smiled sadly and took a bite of the cherry that I'm about to it. He ate it from my hands as his eyes were still focused on mine. I guess he is really trying to avoid the topic.

"You really did a great job in this." I remarked, referring to the nipa hut he build. "When did you learn in building such things?"

"Me and my brothers used to join my dad when he was building our tree house when we were kids" he answered while drinking his coconut juice.

"You have brothers?"

"Yes. Two older one. " he replied casually.

"I didn't know that. No sisters?"

"Nope. Mom is the only woman in our family. " he stated and then smiled "and the most dramatic one in the family ."

"I know. My mom is always the drama Queen in the house." I agreed, laughing. "I kinda missed my parents already."

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