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Piper found Will passed out on the beach, she instantly rushed him to the infirmary when she realised how cold he was. When she asked what had happened last night, he just said 'I lost track of time and fell asleep' but even he didn't sound convinced. She decided not to press any further. 'Nico was worried sick' she said changing the subject as she lifted a glass of nectar to Will's lips. Will smiled at this 'he was?' He asked looking up at me with his bright blue eyes, I nodded 'He thought you weren't coming back, spent the whole of yesterday looking for you.'
'Where is he?' He asked hugging a blanket around him. 'Last I saw he was going back to his cabin' Piper put down the now empty glass. 'I'm sure as soon as he's awake he'll come here to see you.' Will nodded gratefully 'Thanks Piper'.
Kayla coughed lightly signaling that Piper's time here was up. 'I think Will needs some rest' she said calmly wrapping up a long trail of bandage. 'Yes, of course. Get better soon' she said as she got up and left.
When Piper was outside the infirmary she saw Nico walking towards her. Eager to give him the good news she ram towards him 'Nico, we found him' she said as he approached. 'He was passed out on the beach, he's in the infirmary it was cold last night. His body temperature is below 35°C, he's got hypothermia but he'll be alright.' She said using a little charmspeak to calm him. His worried expression softened ever so slightly as he sighed in relief.  'Kayla is looking after him'.

Nico's expression reminded her of the way Annabeth had looked at Percy when he'd gone missing. He was seriously angry at Will for scaring him but also relieved to hear he was okay, she had become good at reading people's expressions and Nico clearly cared a lot about Will even if he didnt realise it.
Nico walked into the infirmary and Piper smiled knowingly.

After the morning's events she went to find Jason, he was in the sword arena with Percy. Not wanting to interrupt, Piper sat down next to an empty water cooler and waited for them to finish.
Percy slashed his sword in a wide arc towards Jason but he easily parried the strike, he swept his blade towards Percy's feet hoping to knock him off balance but he jumped quickly avoiding Jason's the path of his sword.
Percy's hair was dripping wet no doubt he was the reason the water cooler was empty, his gaze never left Jason's sword as he continued to press forwards studying Jason's posture and attacking style, trying to predict what he'd do next. Jason stepped back to avoid Percy's sword as it missed his face by a centimetre, his forehead was beaded with sweat, focus entirely on his opponent, he studied Percy's every movement.
He was cute when he had that determined expression on his face, his strong blue eyes flicked back and forth between riptide and Percy. Percy sidestepped Jason's strike and thrusted his sword forwards catching Jason's shoulder and leaving a small cut.
'Ready to give up yet man?' Asked Percy brimming with energy. Jason laughed 'Not a chance Jackson.'
He slashed with his sword and Percy deflected the blow. The rapid exchange of swords continued, Percy feinted left but Jason anticipated the trick. He flicked his sword upwards sending riptide flying through the air. Jason smiled with satisfaction and held his sword towards Percy, Percy smirked and suddenly grabbed his sword out of the air as it fell. He slashed towards the surprised Jason disarming him and held his blade to Jason's chin.
Jason sighed 'So close' he said as Percy touched the cap to the tip of his sword and it shrunk down to a pen.
'Oh well, maybe next time' he said sweeping his dark hair out of his face. Jason went to retrieve his sword from the floor.
'Ahem' Piper finally said 'Oh! Hey Pipes.' Said Jason surprised to see her. He came over and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. 'You alright?' He asked in a concerned voice, Gods he was cute. She nodded and fiddled with her hair.
'Nico went to see Will' she said 'Hopefully they'll work it out'.
Jason nodded thoughtfully 'I hope so, maybe cupid can make up for being a jerk. Anyway there's capture the flag tonight and I was wondering if the Aphrodite cabin wanted to team up.'
Piper laughed playfully 'Well that depends on who else is on your team?'
'Well Percy and Athena's cabin, maybe also the Apollo cabin but I haven't got round to asking yet, they've been a bit preoccupied. So you up for it?' He asked giving her his best puppy dog eyes.
She nodded 'how could I say no'.
'You guys coming?' Interrupted Percy as he gestured towards the pavilion for lunch. 'Yeah, we'll meet you there' said Piper.

Percy shrugged but began walking away. Once he was out of earshot Piper turned to Jason.
'I think something happened last night.'
Jason frowned 'what?' He asked concerned.
'Well I asked Will what happened to him but he just said he lost track of time and fell asleep.'
Jason looked at Piper uncertainly 'And?'
'And he was lying, I could just tell from the way he said it that he was holding something back, maybe something bad?'
She waited for Jason to say something 'or maybe it was nothing? Look Pipes maybe something did happen but I'm sure if it was important he'd say.'
Sighing Piper nodded 'You're right' she said as she grabbed his hand 'I'm lucky to have you. Lets go get lunch'. They strolled off towards the pavilion hand in hand.

Jason took his plate to his table and sat down alone. Piper glanced back at him every now and then, her heart leapt every time she saw him, he wore an orange camp shirt and dark blue jeans, his sword strapped to his belt ready for combat. Piper sat with the Aphrodite cabin, but wished she could sit with Jason. Percy had just finished eating and was heading over to Annabeth, she had her blond hair pulled up into a messy ponytail, her camp necklace was strung around her neck each bead decorated with the biggest event of each year. She smiled when she saw Percy and wrapped her arms around him embracing him. 'You ready wise girl?' He asked kissing her 'what do you think?' She replied grabbing his hand, Percy and Annabeth were a perfect example of what Piper's mother stood for, pure, personal, unconditional, love.

After lunch the Aphrodite cabin had chariot racing with the Demeter cabin while Jason went around trying to recruit cabins for capture the flag. Finally the evening came and the campers swarmed together buzzing with excitement.

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