part thirteen - make it up to him

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"so how was your sleep?" hoseok grinned, drinking a cup of coffee he made for himself as you were passed out.

your cheeks were a rosy color as you remembered your daydream about the boy. "it was..interesting."

"oh," he pouted, "you didn't have a nightmare did you?"

you shook your head. "no, if anything it was an amazing dream."

your eyes widened and your breath was short as you realized what you had just said. you liked that dream you had about hoseok, it made you feel a certain way. the same way you feel when you meet eyes with jimin.

"that's good!" hoseok tilted his head in a cute way and gave you a loving smile.

"yeah.." you smiled.

"do you wanna go anywhere today?" hoseok suddenly asked, making you a mess on the inside. "because i don't think moping around in your house when i leave is a great idea."

you laughed, "it's really not. um.." you thought about it for a while. "how about my work?"

"your work? why?"

"i just feel like going there," you answered. it was the only place that made you feel like you were away from the current drama going around in school.

"alrighty!" hoseok smiled and grabbed his car keys from your counter, "i think i remember the way there, so you won't have to tell me."

you nodded, you were about to walk out the door until you realized that you were still in your pajamas. those pajamas being a tank and soft sleeping pants.

"um," hoseok's eyes looked at you curiously, "mind if i change first?"

hoseok giggled and nodded his head. "no, go on ahead and change."


walking into the fresh flower shop, your nose was greeted with the familiar scent of flowers. varying from roses, dandelions, daises, you name it. of course it would smell like that since it was a flower shop, but the smell was lovely and calming.

hoseok was behind you, still wearing his clothes from before. a thin jacket, joggers, and name brand sneakers.

in your mind, he looked really hot. of course the outfit was simple, but it made him look like he tried to look nice for you too. it was comfortable clothing, so it fit him perfectly.

you however were wearing just plain, skin tight jeans and a white hoodie. you also had on name brand sneakers, fitting your small feet precisely.

you hair was in a high pony tail, away from your face. hoseok was kind enough to give you time to put on makeup, which you blessed him for because taehyung would've just whined the whole time.

as you and hoseok walked in, you watched as hongbin walked out from the back of the shop holding a box of small potted plants.

"oh, (your name)," hongbin furrowed his brows and place the box down onto the counter, "what're you doing here?"

"sorry binnie," you smiled nervously, "i just thought i'd stop by to see how the shop was going."

"well it's doing okay," hongbin smiled, "the weather sucks but customer's still manage to come in."

"that's good." you nodded stuffing your hands into your hoodie, "that's probably because girls wouldn't miss seeing what you look like in rainy weather."

Can't Say - Jung HoseokNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ