Chapter 2- My Blue Eyed Mate

Start from the beginning

     The boy stared at me and then spoke "Sister. She is our sister." He reached his hand out to me and I took it as he gave me a hand shake. "I'm Mikel, this is Rose," he said gesturing toward the little girl and then pointing to my mate, "That's Lillian but she likes to be called Lily."

      "Nice to meet you. I will get you two some blankets." I walked toward the closet. "Lily." I said to myself. Wow that felt so good rolling off my tongue. I was so afraid that I won't meet my mate tell it was late in life and I couldn't enjoy it as much. I hear those stories every once in a while. Some people meet their mates when they are young pups, some around this age, but there are ones that mates meet at the end of their life and that's sad.

      I focused back on the task at hand when I found the blankets in the back of my closet. I went back into the bedroom. "Oh kids, so...." I let my sentence dissolve as soon as I saw the kids. I guess I was too late. Mikel was spread out on the couch with Rose draped over top his body with her head on his chest. That had to be one of the sweetest things I have ever seen. Rose's face was almost hidden by her red brown hair as she snuggled into her brothers shoulder. I carefully pulled the blanket over them and then went to sit in the large black chair near the bed.

      I looked over Lily. She looked so peaceful in sleep. She is laying on her side in my bed with her hand cupped around her face. Why is she here?

      What had I gotten myself into? I had just found my mate and she had two kids with her. Not to mention what ever happened to the over 2 wolves traveling with her? Where was she taking them to? Or where from? Or who? As that thought dawned on me I turn to look at her. That had to be it. I had a couple wolves waiting for her to cross our border and they informed me she was running fast with no direction but forward. She was running away. Pushing her beautiful hair aside I saw the bruises on her cheek they were almost healed. You could see the purple spots with their yellow rims. I looked further and some were on her forearm. Her shirt also gave away the marks on her shoulder. They were faint but I could see they were fingerprints. I know my mate is a werewolf and as werewolves, we heal fast. Which means someone has hurt her bad enough to leave marks. I could feel my wolf howl with rage. No one hurts my mate! I don't even know this girl but she is my mate none the less.

      I stayed up half the night looking at her and wanting to know her before I fell asleep in the chair.

      I woke up the next morning to snickering behind me. "What's the matter with Lily?" Rose asked in a hush voice.

      "She is tired Rosie. We have been running for three days." Mikel answered sleepily in a surprisingly deep voice.

      "I think he's awake Mikey." I turned toward the kids with a large yawn pretending that I didn't hear them.

      "Hey guys you hungry?" I asked and was answer Rosie nodding and a casual shrug from Mikel. "Okay how about waffles. Follow me." I lead them down the stair and into the kitchen.

      "Hey Daniel..... and company." Lana said as we enter the kitchen. Lana was my Beta's grand mother and the person who raised me. She stood over the waffle maker with her apron coated in flour. She looked from me to the kids with a raised eyebrow. I could tell this was explain in Lana language.

      "Lana this is Mikel and Rose. Guys this is Lana." I introduced briefly and she just nodded understanding this wasn't going to be discussed right now.

      Lana gave them a warm motherly smile. "You guys hungry?"

     "Yes." they said in unison. Lana lead us over to a small table and started to serve us. Most of the pack had already eaten. After all it was already 11. I watched the 2 scarf down all the waffles they could manage before giving up.

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