Chapter 30

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Melissa started to prep me for this delivery while Zayn went out in the hallway to call both of our families, as well as the boys and my friends.

First, the anesthesiologist came in and gave me an injection directly into my back, numbing my body from my rib cage down. I was then given this gross chalky liquid that I was supposed to drink. They told me it was supposed to do something to the acids in my stomach or something like that. I didn’t even know what that meant. All I knew was that it tasted gross. The nurses also a catheter in me. I was getting closer and closer to having this baby as they kept adding wires and tubes to my body.

Zayn walked into the room right as Melissa was putting in my IV. “You’re family is on their way down here. My mom is coming down too. They won’t be here for a few hours, but they are coming. The lads are on their way also, and Sabrina is leaving work right now to pick up Cecilia and Alexis.”

I nodded my head as I felt a little pinch in my right arm where my IV was placed. “Okay Rose. We’re all set. We are just going to wheel you down to the operating room now.” Melissa informed me.

A couple more nurses came into the room. They helped push the hospital bed through the hallways. Zayn walked by my side the entire way, holding my hand for comfort.  

We turned a corner, and there were two big swinging metal doors in front of us. The sign on the front of the door said something about only authorized people could go through them. When we entered this restricted area, it turned back into the institutional hospital everyone was familiar with; tiled floors, white walls, doors on both sides of the hallways. I saw a room with a big number ‘3’ on a plaque just outside the door. That’s the room we would be going into. I remembered Dr. Mitchell mentioning that number.

The nurses pushed me into the room, and I saw a few more people. Dr. Mitchell was washing his hands behind a big metal sink. The same anesthesiologist was also in there, as well as, from what I assumed, people to attend to our daughter once she was delivered. I saw a table where they were probably going to set her to make sure everything is okay. I also was an incubator. I’ve seen enough doctor shows to know that it wasn’t a good thing if she were to be placed in there.

“Zayn.” Melissa said. I didn’t even notice that we had stopped and that I was in the middle of the room. People were all around me getting things ready. “I need you to put on these scrubs over your clothes and this mask. And please go wash your hands in that sink when you are done.”

He slipped into the scrubs, and then left my side for a couple minutes. In those few long, agonizing minutes a large curtain was pulled over my midsection, blocking my view from everything involving my lower half.

I started to panic a little. I had no sense of what was going on. Everything was cut off, and all I could do was listen to what was going on around me. There was so much commotion. People we talking, speaking in doctor language. Tools were clanking around. I’m sure one of them was the knife, or whatever it’s called they use to cut me open. The lights were shining bright all around me.

Zayn soon came back to my side. He smiled down at me after he noticed my uneasiness. “It’s all going to be okay babe. The doctors know what they are doing. Our daughter is going to be perfectly fine.”

“I know. I’m just not ready for this. We haven’t even picked out a name yet.” I stated.

Zayn chuckled. “Don’t worry about that right now. We’ll think of something.” He leaned down, and kissed me before putting his mask on.

Dr. Mitchell came over. “You ready Rose?” He had his full surgery gear on. I nodded. “Alright. Let’s get this baby out.” He walked to the other end of the table. I couldn’t see him anymore. All I could see was the damn sheet and Zayn. “Melissa, come over here and help me out.” He said. That was the last thing I wanted to hear from any of them. This was all starting to freak me out.

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