Chapter Three

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・☂ Gaille ☂・

I can't believe those guys!

My feet stomped on the flight of stairs as I climbed up, reaching for the huge glass doors. Gabric tried his best to put on a cheerful attitude. Earlier, he even tried to make different distorted and comical impressions of fairytale characters. They weren't awful. Its his usual brotherly way of comforting me, although I'm not in the mood for anyone's company or slight merriment. I mean, who would be? These guys barely finish a day without a disagreement that ends with the other party ignoring the other. Can't they just accept each other's differences?

Upon entering the hall within the Auditorium, my eyesight became slightly blurry. I blinked my eyes rapidly, trying to regain my vision. What's happening?! A tapping sound followed at my side as I passed the rows of seats, but it didn't bother me. This place is old and rickety anyways. Gabric opened his mouth as we reached the front.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah. Do you mind? I have stuff to do." I huffed as I threw my bag on the stage; The thudding sound rippled around the entire place. I walked up and took out a tape measure and a roll of masking tape from my bag. It was partially a lie, but then again, I had to measure the stage positions and settings for the upcoming events anyways. My fingers tugged at the tape measure, placing one X at a corner with pieces of tape, and slowly moved down to divide the different parts of the stage.

"Need some help? I am a theatre member too and it's my duty to help a senior in need." He offered while sitting by the edge of the stage, his feet were eagerly swaying back and forth. Though, his help could give him a few credits in the organization, since he's still on probation. But I already made up my mind and shook my head in response.

"Are you mad at us?" His voice softened. I stopped in my tracks and sighed.

Before I could answer, I saw small flashes of gold and blue behind one of the curtains. The other seemed greatly taller than its companion. Are there other people here? Gabric waved his hand in front of me, trying to catch my attention; His face was filled with worry. I blinked as hard as I could. Everything was spinning around rapidly. I dropped everything that I was holding on to and rubbed my eyes.


Without a second thought, I dashed towards the bathroom, closing the door behind me. My back leaned on the tiled walls as I took small deep breaths. It felt like I was choking on air. Of all the days... Why now? I grunted as I pulled myself towards the sink.

Cold water rushed down my face as I cupped a handful, repeatedly trying to clear my mind. The cool sensation calmed me down a bit, but my chest felt like it grew tighter by the minute. I looked up to see my pupils slowly... disappearing? Pouring water into my eyelids once more, I gripped tightly on each side of the porcelain utility, trying to balance myself. My lips were slightly pale and chapped.

"You don't look too good, mate."

A loud, thick voice called. My eyes panned sidewards and saw a large rabbit, with black markings on their fur, who was resting their arm by the door of the last stall. I could've sworn that I hadn't noticed anyone's presence entering the bathroom. Judging by the deep voice, the blue hare is probably a guy... I mean unless they're a woman. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, and to add a point... this is the ladies' cr after all. But for now, I'll assume they're a guy. Then again they look pretty masculi-- Focus, Gaille. This isn't the time to talk to yourself.

Although, something about him stood out in my trail of thoughts, He greatly resembled one of the characters from my sketches. It doesn't seem like he was wearing a costume. I mean, it looks too real... too alive. My throat felt dry as I backed away with caution, convincing myself that my mind was playing tricks on me. This is NOT Alice in wonderland. Wake up!

Misfits of Light (a ROTG Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें