30. Caught in a Fishing Net

Start from the beginning

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "You're not stupid. It's actually nice you thought about me." I nodded my head.

"I mean, it's kinda hard not to think about someone you've known since birth." He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at my room decoration.

I sighed as I looked at him. "You know, it's weird." I let out a quiet laugh, catching his attention. "Other than my brothers, you're the only guy that has ever entered my room."

He smirked at me as his cheeks subtly flushed. "We did everything here." He chuckled.

I looked down as my mind went through quick memories. "Yup." I pointed my finger at a mark on my wall, across my bed. "Remember when we were painting each other and I spilled your paint because you did a bad job?" He immediately laughed as he glanced at the wall.

He spoke. "Look I was just following how your face looked." He teased making me flip him off with a smile.

"Fuck you." I let out, making him laugh out loud.

"So." He coughed. "You're gonna meet the Third Team tomorrow." I let out a loud whine, plunging my head back against my pillow.

"It sucks. I wanna jump off a cliff." I looked up at the ceiling as he remained quiet. "Wait, what's the team's name?" I quickly got up off my bed to know the answer.

"Guess." Mason bit his lip at me as he rested his head against his knuckles, his body comfortably sitting down on my bean bag chair.

I closed my eyes to think. "I don't know. Give me a clue." I shrugged.

"It's supposedly a deadly sea thing in real life. And when you touch it, it'll hurt you like hell." He explained, still making my head pull out a blank.

"There's like a billion of deadly sea things." I smiled. "I would google it, but I'm too lazy. And I kinda want it to be a surprise so it's whatever."

He threw me a devilish smile. "Then I'll do it." He was clearly teasing me as he pulled out of his phone. He's the type of friend that always spoil everything for me and I hated it.

"No!" I cried, his mouth widening as he smiled. "Don't tell me, I want it to be a surprise now!" He ignored me, which made me quickly get up. "Mason no!" He laughed loudly.

I prepared to grab his phone out of his hand but he rapidly got up to dodge me. "The team's name is..." He looked down at his phone as I cried.

I ran towards him as I laughed. "Mason stop! I wanna find out myself!" His body quickly turned back towards my bed as I ran to him.

"The team's name is.." His voice was interrupted with me tackling him down the bed, which I clearly did not mean to do.

"Fuck." He softly exclaimed in pain as he blinked his eyes a few times. I widened my eyes at him as I prepared to apologize.

"Shit, I'm so so sorry!" I laughed, looking down at Mason, his mouth continuing to hiss in pain. "I told you not to tell me." I continued.

"Fuck Arielle." Mason groaned as he threw his head back, visibly overwhelmed of what just happened.

Just before I could've got up off his body, my door let out a creaky opening noise, making both of our heads turn towards the door.

No no no no no no.

The feeling of complete shock immediately took over my body, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one feeling this.

My breath all of a sudden was cut off as I felt like I was gonna die.

Xavier's eyes were visibly flinching at us as my body got up off of Mason's.

"Xavier wait you don't understand." I watched his fists clench before us as his eyes became red.

I quickly got up to run towards him but was interrupted with him shutting the door on me. "Xavier wait!" I yelled out loud as my heart felt like it was gonna stop beating.

Mason hurriedly appeared behind me to open the door, then all of a sudden making me sprint out my room for Xavier.

Tears started to stream down my face as I felt like I was gonna die, my feet has never sprinted so fast before.

He doesn't understand, he won't believe me, why did this have to happen? I didn't mean to go on top of Mason at all!

I feel so terrible right now, I just wanna be able to explain everything to Xavier. I'm not a cheater at all! I swear on my life!

Shit Shit Shit.

I ran out of the open front door, my breath growing faster with every step I took. I hear Alec's voice appear behind me. "Is everything okay?"

His voice disappeared as I continued to run out, hoping Xavier was still there.

It was already too late..

My body quickly stood frozen as I watched him already drive away. "XAVIER!" I screamed out for his name so loud as I heard my voice echo.

I ran to the middle of the empty road, not caring if I alarmed any of my neighbors.

Come back...please..

The amount of tears that was coming out of my eyes immediately blurred out my vision, Mason's voice quickly appearing beside me.

"Hey, hey, hey." His arms wrapped around me as I fell down to the ground, I wanted to die. "We're gonna talk it out, it's no ones fault. It's gonna be okay." His voice whispered beside me.

It wasn't okay.

It wasn't going to be okay.

I fucked up.

I fucked everything up.

God why can't I ever be happy?


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Any guesses what the third team's name is? :)

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