Addiction. (Zianourry.)

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Zayn is an addict.

The raven haired lad had fallen into a horrible habit and eventually it became a fatal addiction. That is what happens when you spend too much time with your own self and wonder about things a little too much. When you have a bad habit such as talking to yourself at any given time, you question a lot of things and you're curious about a lot of things. And if you live in the twenty-first century, you google it. Then there are those links which lead you to another thing and then after a chained cycle, you get to things you don't understand. And well, that isn't all good.

Zayn is addicted to google.

He is almost dependant on the website. The tan skinned boy would be brushing his teeth and his conscience would be like 'Why do I have to do that?' And so logically he would rush through the process and google it.

Once he was watching a movie and the protagonist had two different eye colours. One green and One blue. So naturally he paused the movie just so he could google the condition and get rid of the itch under his skin.

It is actually a bit of a useful habit since Zayn was the only one who knew about heterochromia iridium in his science class and well the smile on his teacher's face was all the appreciation he needed. Also, he knows a lot of celebrities with that condition like Mila Kunis, David Bowie and that guy who played superman in man of steel. So he could've given a couple of examples if required.

So basically it is a useful habit.

However, like everything, there are many flaws within it. Zayn became a bit of a know-it-all since he started with the habit. He just can't help but think that he somehow knows better than all of his peers. That he has more information. Which he does sometimes but it isn't exactly that much of a great thing. He starts to think everyone else is clueless while he is some sort of encyclopaedia or summat.

He can tell his boyfriends don't appreciate it but he just ignores it.

This one time Zayn was supposed to study about the female anopheles mosquito which led him to dengue. That was the first time the Bradford lad came to know of the real pronunciation of the word. And completely ignoring the fact that he himself had just found it, he started boasting about knowing the right word.

" Guys, what do you call that disease which is caused by a mosquito but isn't malaria." His eyes sparkled.

All the lads were sitting in the living room taking turns playing call of duty. Their expressions were way more boring compared to the proud one Zayn held.

" It's called Dengue. Don't google it." Louis said monotonously, his eyes fixed on the screen. A huge smile graced Zayn's lips as he realised Louis had said it the wrong way. He had said Den-goo when it actually was Den-gee.

" No, it's called Den-gee. Where have you been living, Lou?" It would've sounded rude, had his excitement not dripped through every word. He had almost jumped with the exhilaration of being right, yet again. He loved it when he knew something which nobody else did.

" Same difference." was all the appreciation he got but still Zayn was flying and nobody could stop him. And if he had corrected that word a couple of times in the future, he wasn't trying to annoy the boys. He was just happy.

The pronunciation thing can also be listed as a part of the addiction. Zayn is quick to correct everyone and even though he knows it is a bit annoying. He just can't stop.

There's this one majorly embarrassing event that makes him want to stop with the pronunciation thing, though. It was actually the other boys' fault. They never stopped him when he corrected them and so he got too used to it. He didn't even realise when it happened.

They had all been sitting in Liam's room. Niall's friends were over. They had returned from a party and there was just some casual talk going around. Zayn was tired and had his head hidden in Liam's chest as the other lad passed a hand through his hair coaxing him to sleep.

" Halloween is coming. Who are you guys gonna go as this year?" Josh had asked.

" I don't know mate? Batman." Liam's tone was sheepish. Everybody laughed.

" Well, I think I'll go as Olaf." The amount of O and the lack of laugh woke Zayn right up.

He would later swear he hadn't done it on purpose and he would be right. It was like an alarm had started blaring in his head. He shot up from his position and yelled out.

" Olaf!" pronouncing it the right way with one O and one laugh.

Well, if Zayn had known what was going to happen next, he would've tried to shut himself up. Every single one of the boys was looking at him as if he had grown another head. Josh looked embarrassed, the blush on his face emphasising it. Liam looked almost shocked, his mouth ajar, eyes wide. Zayn felt himself slump in his position, wishing for the ground to open and swallow him. His face was burning and he was regretful.

That was the first time Zayn didn't like that he knew better.

Niall had made breakfast once and well the blue-eyed lad swore not to do that ever again. Zayn had searched for every little thing from the sunny side up egg to the corners of the bread, the breakfast sitting beside him getting colder by the second. By the time he was able to approve the breakfast, it was cold and tasteless. Zayn was left with an inedible breakfast and an angry blonde boyfriend at his hands.

Another thing about the addiction is that Zayn loved looking up side effects and symptoms. Which in turn makes him believe that he had a new disease every other day. From typhoid to tonsillitis Zayn can swear he has every single one of them. And he isn't exactly shy about telling the boys. He huddles up under the covers, believing he is sick and needs all the rest.

It actually started with that one time he had a fever and he claimed he had typhoid fever. The boys being the best boyfriends ever got worried and Liam had even called the doctor. When the old man told them it was just a case of common cold, Zayn wasn't ready to believe it. He made him examine him three times before accepting that he wasn't the doctor and the old man was. The other boys had shrugged this event off as a result of the deliriousness of the fever. But when Zayn had a new disease every other day, they were bound to be suspicious. It was Harry who had 'accidently' checked his laptop history and to say the taller lad was furious wouldn't be that wrong. Harry took his laptop for a month and the internet was perpetually cut off.

That is why Zayn has to admit to his addiction. It's been weeks since he had internet access and it's been very bad. Sometimes he writes the questions on a piece of paper and racks his brain for a google like answer but turns out he isn't actually that intelligent. Yes, he is dependent and yes it sucks but in the midst of all his addictiveness he had forgotten how much time he was wasting not being with his boys. So it's bad but not when Niall cooks for him every day and when Louis plays Tekken with him and when Liam lets him nap in his lap and when Harry mother hens him all the time. He's addicted to the internet but he lives for the boys and if he has to give one up it really wouldn't be all that hard.


Hi, Guys! So this might just be the lamest thing ever or the most relatable thing ever. There's no in between. Also the tenses might be fudged up but idek. This is something I found in my registers ( I write in my school registers all the time btw.) And well I thought it was good enough to post it. Also, I have two more prompts that I need to fill and hopefully  they'll be out soon. A zouis one and a zianourry one. Also, I'm planning on posting a Zarry book soon. Tell me what you think about that. 

Also I passed my med school entrance test (by a hair but It's cool.) So life's all awesome right now.


Love, Sara.

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