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Hi guys!!!
I really don't know how long it's been.
So how are you guys and how many of you want to get in med school?😂 ( How many of you know the struggle?😭)
Anyways I have some shit news.
Shit news is that my mum thinks I'm not studying enough to get into med school and it's solely because of my gadgets and so she's taking them all away 😭😭😭. She'll only allow me to use my phone for an hour ( I'm already dead.) And so I won't be able to update ( I know too many breaks but studies always come first. They do right?) And that's just the sad story of my life.
I'm so so so sorry that it has to be this way but sometimes life is a distraction and I am still living under my parents roof ( for almost eight more years) so it's basically their rules. I hate this I truly do but I just can't do anything about it. I've begged my mum and she threw a huge fit when she realized I was writing three new books ( something about it being a hurdle and not good for my future and how I was loosing my aim and my path and all. Someone should tell my parents how it's rude to decide people's future.)
Anyways I love you guys and I will surely be back. (That's This book will be shifted tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. if I make it into med school and my parents don't kill me.)
Love, Sara.

All his little things(drabbles)(Zayn-centric)(Boyxboy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora