Dares are over rated(Zianourry)

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"We came to this snow covered cliff,so you could play truth and dare!" His voice held disbelief.

"Well,what do you suggest?All of us lay down and make a snow tower on ourselves?" Louis scrunched up his nose,placing his hand on his hip.

Zayn opened his mouth to say something but could not really form any words. Louis' smile grew into a knowing smirk.

The raven haired lad,took a deep breath,trying to think of something to say but he literally didn't had anything to counter the argument. He slumped,letting out a huge sigh,accepting his defeat.

That made Louis' laugh out,hysterically. A frown presented itself on Zayn's forehead and he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Oh! Come on lets get settled now,shall we?" Zayn huffed,looking away from Louis.

"Aw...You're cute,when you pretend to be mad!" The feathery haired lad pinched his cheeks,the other slapping his hand away,earning a chuckle in return. Louis held his smaller hand in his own,sitting down on the snow covered ground. Naturally,as he sat himself down,he jerked Zayn into himself.

The raven haired lad straightened himself,getting of off Louis' lap. He sat upright,crossing his arms in front of his chest and pouted.

"Ni,go get a bottle to spin! Everyone we're playing truth and dare." Louis yelled to the other lads,who were standing a good two feet away from them. Niall turned to get a bottle from the car,while both the other lads walked up to the ones sitting.

"I take it,that you are not so happy about this." Liam lowered himself down next to Zayn. A groan slipped out of his lips. The older lad wrapped his arms around his skinny waist,kissing him on the cheek.

"Don't like this  either?" his voice hinted amusement,as Zayn relaxed in his embrace. A cheeky grin plastered itself onto his lips,his chocolate eyes twinkling.

"Hey! If I am gonna get the cold shoulder,Liam must also get cold shouldered! I strictly prohibit this sort of favoritism! Both of you away from each other now!" Louis' mocked annoyance. A satisfied smirk came upon his lips,as the two grew apart. He chuckled as he saw Liam pouting a little and Zayn blushing profusely. 

"Oh the shy ones..."Louis' laughed. 

"I'm gonna get you a cup of coffee,okay?" Liam stood up,trying to cover his embarrassment but failing miserably. His cheeks were flushed and he kept tripping on his own feet. Zayn could only nod,not even looking up to see his boyfriends,his cheeks still red as tomatoes.

"Aw...Zaynie is all red in the face..Oh my baby." Louis' cooed,hugging onto Zayn's side,the smaller lad squirming in his grasp.

"Shut up,Louis!" He muttered still not looking up,his face burning.

Zayn couldn't understand,why he still got flushed in situation like these. It wasn't like he was doing something wrong. They were his boyfriends. He wasn't supposed to get all red in the face and stuttering is my language,every time one of them barely contacted with him. Well,he had always been shy.

"Oh thank god! Ni,I think you saved Zee from turning into a puddle of goo." Harry looked up at Niall,who had finally returned with a plastic empty bottle of coke. The blonde looked at Zayn,a fond smile on his face.

"What happened?" He sat down between Harry and Louis. Unintentionally,they had formed a circle,with Liam's space left between Harry and Zayn. Niall placed the bottle right in the middle of the circle,before retreating back to his own place.

"Louis." Harry didn't need to say more then that,as the blonde already knew what he was referring to.

They all knew that Zayn was shy. And even though they wouldn't admit it,they kind of loved that about their little boyfriend. But Louis loved it a bit too much. It was almost like,he was surviving on it,living off of it. The feathery haired lad wouldn't miss an opportunity to make the youngest feel confounded and muddled. He loved to watch him fidget with his shirt,turning into a red tomato and stuttering like a toddler. He was just so cute,that way. And Louis loved cute.

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