I went back to Grace's room. She was awake. "Harry where's my baby?" She asked. I went over and helped her sit up. I took the stool and brought it over and sat at her bed side. "Abigail's alive." I said as I took her hands. She sat up. "What?" She winced.

I had her lay back down. "She was alive, this entire time. I don't know why we were told she died." I said. "And Gemma?" She asked. "Gemma's fine. They should bring her back soon." I said.

A nurse then came in with Gemma. "My baby." Grace cried. The nurse gave Gemma to Grace. Grace started crying. "Where's Abigail I want to hold her." She said. "I'm sorry Your Highness. But she needs to stay in the incubator." The nurse said. Grace kept crying. "I want my baby." She said softly. The nurse left. "Do you want me to get Faith and David?" I asked. Grace shook her head. "I want Abigail, I want Abigail and Gemma together." She said. I wiped the tears off her cheeks. 

After a while Grace let me hold Gemma.

Grace pov
A nurse came in with a wheelchair. "Your Highness you may visit your other daughter of you'd like." She said. Harry put Gemma down, and he and the nurse helped me into the wheel chair.

Harry pushed me down the hallway, to another room. Inside the room was dark. Equipment everywhere. And in the middle of the room was an incubator. "Abigail." I whispered.

The nurse opened the incubator and handed me the small baby, "hi baby, I'm Mummy." I smiled. The wires and tubes in my baby scared me. I started crying again. "Come on, Grace don't cry." Harry said. "It's all my fault she's like this." "Gracie, it's not your fault. It was an accident." He said. "We thought she was dead. But here she is." Harry wiped the tears from my face. "You should hold her." I said as I gave him Abigail. He seemed shocked when I gave him Abigail. "I want my other babies," I said. "I'm sorry your highnesses but she needs to go back In the incubator." Harry gave Abigail to the nurse.

Harry pov
After Grace went back to her room and was calm, and feeding Gemma. I left to get Faith and David.

I walked up the steps to the second floor. "Daddy!" I heard Faith scream. I braced myself for her to grab my leg. I pried her arms off my legs and picked her up. "Where's Mummy?" She asked. "'Mummy's at the hospital. Where's your brother?" I asked. "With Aunt Kate. He was being bad." She said. "What did he do?" I asked. "He didn't get dressed." She said.

I went into the nursery. Will and Kate were in there with their kids and David. "Daddy." David ran over and grabbed my leg. I picked him up. "How's Grace?" Kate asked. "Very emotional and were going to need another crib." I said. "What why?" Will asked. "In Some miraculous way, Abigail's alive." I said.

My brother and his wife stood in front of me gapping. "Wait what! Abigail is alive? The baby you thought was dead after Grace fell off the horse, and nearly bleed out on that couch?" Kate asked. "Yes. I now have four kids." I said. "When are they coming home?" Kate asked. "Gemma and Grace will most likely come home tomorrow but we don't know about Abigail. It could be a week or two." I said. "Well we won't keep you. You should get back to Grace." Will said. "Thank you." I said.

(David and Faith's outfits V)

(David and Faith's outfits V)

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(A/n: Their both ginger)

Grace pov
I held Gemma tight, But not too tight that I would crush her. I rested her head on my shoulder and I laid the bed back.

A knock came at the door. "Come in," I almost whispered. Harry came in,  "I've got your other babies." Harry said.

He walked in, holding David and holding Faith's hand. "Now be careful with Mummy. She's got a big owie on her stomach." Harry told them. They climbed up on the bed. "This is one of your new sisters, Gemma, she's got a twin sister, buts she's sick." I told them.


The next day Gemma and I got to home. But sure enough that afternoon, I was back at the hospital, concerned about my baby. I feared for Abigail's life so dearly. I couldn't loose her again.


I held Abigail, I was finally getting to feed her. It was oddly satisfying. Harry sat across from me feeding Gemma from a bottle, I'd prepared before we left for the hospital.

When Abigail was finished I burped her. And she responded greatly. "I'm so proud of you." I whispered to her. Gemma also finished and Harry did the same. I fixed my shirt as the doctor came in. "Did she eat?" The doctor asked. "She did, and she burped." I said. "Well that's a good sign that's she's ready to be taken home." "Well I'm more than eager to take her home." I said. "Well if she's eating with out her feeding tube. Then she can go home. If one of you could come fill out the release forms." Harry got up and gave me Gemma. "I'll be right back." He said as he kissed my forehead. "Help me up." I said. Harry took Gemma then helped me up. I went over to our bag we'd brought and took out the outfit I'd brought for Abigail. I laid her in the crib. Then got her dressed.

 Then got her dressed

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"I'll be right back." Harry kissed my forehead and gave me Gemma. I went over and put Gemma in her car seat. I took the other care seat and put Abigail in it. "You ready to  go home, my babies?" I cooed at them.

Harry got out of the car then helped me out. I saw still having some problems getting around after my c-section. Harry got Abigail's car seat out and gave her to me. Then he ran around and got Gemma.

We went inside Kensington, "we're home!" Harry called. "Give me Abigail, and hold onto the banister while we go up the stairs." Harry instructed me as we made it to the stairs.

"You have both of the twins, let me see them." Kate squealed as she stood at the top of the stairs. "Well you've seen Gemma, so you've seen Abigail." Harry joked. "I will push you down these stairs." Kate said. "If your going to do that, I'll just take my girls." I said. "Mummy." I heard.

Faith was running towards us. "Why are you not in school, baby?" I asked. "That's a good question." Harry asked as he gave me the car seats so he could pick up Faith, since I couldn't pick her or David up till my stitches came out. "I sick," she said. "Or maybe someone just wanted to stay with Mummy and Daddy." I said.

A/n: Happy Birthday 32nd, Harry. Hope you enjoy the chapter.

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