Chapter Eleven

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“Aunty, hurry up!” Tia rushed back and forth, drawing out clothing from Sisi's closet. Unfortunately, there wasn't much to choose from. “Argh!” She groaned in frustration. “I wish we had gone shopping. You have to look perfect for tonight”

Sisi ignored her as she made her way out of the bathroom with a pink towel wrapped around her chest and one wrapped around her head. She wasn't in the mood to go anywhere and if she truly had to go out with Andrew, she would dress casually; she didn't feel a need to impress him.

She glanced around the bedroom. “Tia, I pity you. You will clean up this entire mess yourself and when you are done, I will put on a simple T shirt and blue jeans to go out with Andrew. You have only succeeded in creating a chore for yourself” She laughed and made her way to the bed where Tia had scattered a number of clothing. Digging in the pile of clothes, she grabbed her red T shirt that said HELLO! And a pair of blue jeans.

“No way!” Tia protested, walking over to her and grabbing her choice out of her hands.

“Hey! Be careful with that! Someone special bought that for me” She argued.

“Who cares?!” Tia rolled her eyes. She had transitioned from acting like a teenager to acting like Sisi's mother. “You have to wear something nice”

“This is not a blind date, Tia. I'm not trying to impress Andrew and like he said, we are having ice cream and going to see a movie. Relax” She propped herself on the pile of clothes and watched as Tia dug for something nice for her to wear.

“How about this one?” She pulled out a short, black, bandage dress. “This is nice. You can wear this with your gold colored sandals. That way, you'll look classy but casual”

“I don't know...” Sisi played with her. “I think I'll just sit home and watch a movie with you” She laughed at the look of horror in Tia's eyes. “Fine! I'm going”

Twenty minutes later, she sat in Andrew's black SUV, listening to Christian music play on the radio. Andrew had complimented her dress and she had complimented his rather casual pair of black jeans and striped shirt. If only she had gone with her initial choice instead of sitting here and feeling over dressed.

They pulled into the parking lot of the Mall and went in to see a Movie. She didn't pay much attention to the movie. After it was done, as promised, he treated her to ice cream.

“Thank you for coming out” He smiled, dipping his spoon in his bowl of strawberry, chocolate chips, bubble gum and caramel flavored ice cream. He then put the spoon in his mouth and closed his eyes, savoring the cool liquid. “Hm”

She reached for her own vanilla flavored ice cream and scooped it up in her mouth.

“Are you always this boring?” She glanced up at him, feeling insulted. “I don't mean your personality, I mean your choices. You seem like the safe side kind of person. Take for instance, your hair” She instinctively reached up to touch her hair. “You don't like weaves?”

“I would just rather easily pull it up or back” She shrugged.

“Your ice cream?”

“What about it?”

“Well, Sisi, vanilla is not the only flavor on earth” He laughed.

“I don't know. I'm used to it” She protested.

“Try this one” He took a scoop of his caramel flavor and held the spoon in front of her. She hesitated, not sure what to make of his offer. “I'm sorry” He put down the spoon.

“No, it is fine” She took the spoon and put it in her mouth, familiarizing herself with the new flavor as the ice melted on her tongue. “Hm” She said in delight.

“See, turns out, the world is a big, fun place filled with other flavors of ice cream” He announced and she laughed.

By the time the night was over, Sisi quietly made her way into the house by past midnight. She laid in bed and closed her eyes with no one else on her mind but Remi as she drifted to sleep.


Tia stood before the bathroom mirror and took in her image. Right on her stomach, another brown spot stood staring at her. She ran her fingers over it and frowned. What was happening? She had seen a similar spot a week ago under her arm but she assumed it was nothing. However, it seemed to be spreading. I just hope I don't start seeing it on my face. She wrinkled her nose. Perhaps this is a revelation of the secret you have tried so hard and so long to hide. She shook her head at the voice in her head.

Contemplating whether or not to tell Sisi about the weird spots, she decided not to. Sisi had enough on her plate already. When will you tell her the truth? Or will you keep lying to yourself and justifying the lies? Tell her the truth Tiara! Her own conscience taunted her. She turned around to walk out of the bathroom.

"I can't" She whispered, even if no one else could hear her.

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