Chapter Six

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I will not leave you helpless

“This sucks!” Tia complained, paint brush in hand.

Sisi fought the urge to smile. The child was beginning to open up to her and act like a normal teenager. Not that she knew how to deal with teens but she liked Tia acting like this, not like a maid. Yes, painting the walls of this massive house sucked big time but what was she going to do, she couldn't call Andrew back!

“I'm sorry I'm making you do all this work, Tia. But we have no other choice” Sisi put down her paint brush. “Let's have an ice cream break”

“Oh Aunty! Can't we call a professional painter?” She wrinkled her nose. “I have homework”

Sisi let out a frustrated groan. She had no other choice but to call Andrew. She pulled out her cell phone. “Fine, leave the hard work to me”

“Aunty!” Tia walked over to where she stood and hugged her really tight. “I have homework!” She announced before releasing her and heading upstairs.

“Of course” Sisi murmured as she dialed Andrew's number. After two rings, he picked up his phone.


She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Andrew? It's me, Sisi. Turns out, I need your help painting my house. However, I insist you let me pay you” Silence followed.

“Sisi, are you allergic to people helping you or are you speaking out of a bad experience?”

The nerves on this silly man! “If you would climb down your high horse for a moment, more people would offer to help you” Remi's words echoed in her ears in that moment. What an odd time to be remembering the first day they met in the store. He had adamantly refused to hid to her instruction to leave the hard work to her. Instead, he had walked in and out of the store, bearing her many purchases in hand. She smiled at the memory. Perhaps there was no harm in admitting she needed help even if she didn't have to pay for it.

“Fine. I need your help. I have done enough damage to this house, I'm afraid if I go any further, it would be worth absolutely nothing in the end” Silence. “Are you there?”

“Yes, Sisi. I was just too busy smiling. I know that was hard for you to admit” She imagined him gloating and frowned. “I'll come this evening with some paint samples you can choose from. Later then” He hung up.


“Why don't you stay for dinner?” Sisi froze at Tia's words, her heart beat slowing down as well.

The evening had gone well enough. Andrew had shown up as promised and had come with some paint samples. After two hours of going back and forth, Sisi and Tia could finally see eye to eye on a paint colour for the living room; peach. Tia chose sky blue for her room and Sisi settled on purple even though Tia kept objecting to her choice. Finally, the night was over, Andrew could leave or so Sisi thought until Tia went ahead to extend him an invitation to dinner.

“Really?” He looked surprised. She shut her eyes, praying hard to whichever god was listening, that he would reject Tia's offer.

“Yes! Do you mind? I cooked spaghetti and giant meatballs!”

“I am hungry” They both glanced at her for approval. No, no, no! She wanted to yell. And double no! She didn't want to have to spend another minute with Andrew and his beautiful smile. Least of all, socializing with him. No way!

“Fine” She let out an exhausted breath. “Join us, Andrew, please” She walked away, leaving both Andrew and Tia, who exchanged smiles, standing by the front door.

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