Chapter Three

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Tiara glanced around the empty house and a strange feeling of loss overcame her. She had practically grown up in this house. Her grandmother had been a servant and had birthed her mother in this house. They had worked for many years until South Africa gained her independence. Then, her mother had birthed her in this same house. Years had passed and ownership of the house had changed many times but the staffs never changed. It was the same cleaner, the same gardener, same cook, same laundry man, and the same house keeper. All these people had become her family, a family she lost suddenly, without warning.

Tears slipped down her cheeks as her mind wandered to Stan, the previous owner's son. She had feelings for Stan. Perhaps it was wishful thinking to imagine her life outside the slums of Johannesburg, outside being anything but a maid but Stan might have actually liked her- until her mother died of HIV then he began to keep his distance. She would have been fired if she hadn't gotten tested.

Looking at the empty house, she remembered the day they were all told the house would be put on sale. All the previous workers had been fired. Unlike every other occupant who retained the workers in the house, this new owner didn't need their assistance. The news had devastated Tia. She had no where to go to. She couldn't live on the streets. So, she had worked out a plan; she would hide out in the house long enough for the new owner to arrive and would pray that the new owner would have a heart and have mercy on her. Luckily for her, this new owner seemed nice. Strange, but nice.

The door bell rang, pulling her back to the present. Straightening, she made her way to the front door and pulled it open. A familiar face stood before her. So familiar, it brought back a natural instinct to run and hide.

“Tia” Sisi stood behind her. “Who is this?”

“I'm Jean, the Realtor. I sold this house to you” The woman smiled, her blue eyes lighting up. Of course, this was the woman who showed up almost every day after the previous owners left. This was the woman Tia had to hide from.

“Is there a problem?” Sisi asked.

“Oh no” Jean smiled. “There are just a few documents I need you to sign. Do you mind if I come in?”

“Of course. Tia?” Oh, she had forgotten the fact that she was glued to her position by the door.

“I'm sorry” She bowed her head and shifted. “Aunty, I can go to the store and get some groceries if you want” She said, looking for an escape.

“Yes. I will grab my purse. Jean, please excuse me” Sisi turned around and went up the stairs, leaving her alone with the Realtor. She averted her gaze; afraid the woman would recognize her and have her arrested for remaining on the property illegally. After five minutes, Sisi reappeared, money in hand. Tia quickly accepted the money and disappeared through the door.


“Is something wrong with her?” Jean observed.

“I'm not sure. I really don't know Tia, she kind of came with the house”

“She what? You met her here?” Sisi nodded. “I think I remember where I know her from. She worked for the former owners. She was supposed to leave. I'm so sorry, I will make sure she is out of your hair by noon”

“No, it's fine. I had no idea the house was this big, the Lawyer was left to make all the decisions. I definitely need help and Tia has done a great job keeping things running” She observed the woman before her. Blond, crop hair, blue eyes, slender frame. She wore a black pencil skirt and a white long sleeve shirt with black heels. “You wanted me to sign something?”

“Yes” Jean smiled, handing her the document. After five minutes, Sisi had signed the document. Branding a small basket she hadn't noticed before now, Jean placed it on the table. “Welcome to the neighbourhood. I also live right down the street incase you need anything”

“You didn't have to”

“But I did anyway” The smile maintained it's position on her face. “I guess I should get going. I'll be seeing you around” She said as she made her way to the front door and pulled it open. “Bye”

“Bye” Sisi watched her leave. She didn't plan on socializing with anyone but she couldn't tell that to the beautiful blue-eyed stranger.

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