Author's Note And Characters Brief

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I'm as excited as you are, to be back on here. My exams were fine by the way but I couldn't get my mind off of writing. Thank you guys for waiting. I can finally begin to publish Bought! Yay!

I inserted some Bible verses in this book, most of which are written by Job. I found his story and his cry very familiar. I recommend that everyone reads the book of Job in the Bible. Perhaps, his writings in that book was his personal journal, his letter to God. It was the cries of a sad, confused, depressed and oppressed man, the cries of every human being. Also, the book of psalms. I always considered the psalm to be David's letters to God.

I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

While I do not recommend you read this book until you have read SOLD (please check out my profile for sold), some people would rather just read this one. So, being the kind person that I am (hehe), I'll give you a brief of the characters so that if you insist on reading this one alone, it'll make a little more sense. However, the sense will be a little cause I can't squeeze one book into a few words. Still read SOLD, you'll absolutely love it!! I promise!


Ps, I won't be adding author notes to the chapters, I've found that I'm very bad at them. However, if you leave comments, I'd reply them. It would be awesomely awesome if you vote. It doesn't take much of your time, it's just a little click away.
If you really like a chapter, then vote on it.


Sisi aka Crystal: Abused from childhood by a man she believes for so many years she is married to but she is wrong. She meets Remi and falls in love with him but when everything plays out, She finds out the hard way that love for a man is never enough when there is no love for one's self. Faced with this reality, she packs her bags and leaves.

Remi: Widower, father of one. Falls in love with a broken Sisi. Hates to let her go but has no choice.

Abigail: A doctor, an abuse victim herself. How can she turn away from a patient she knows is being abused. So she devises a plan and helps her escape from the hospital. Only, this plan would cost Aby her own life.

Jummy: Young, in love. Gets pregnant for the wrong man. Dies trying to save the child.

Jesse: Remi's six year old. Falls in love with Sisi. Sad she has to leave.

Mrs Joke: Ambitious house keeper of Remi. Will do anything, anything to make sure her daughter, Jummy marries into wealth. Kills Jummy in the process.

Chief: Angry Pedophile on a journey of revenge perhaps. When his father is jailed and killed for killing his adulterous mother, he takes his anger out on a ten year old child, Sisi and abuses her for fifteen more years until she escapes. Now tries to find her.

The rest of the characters, you'll find out about in this book. Have lots of fun.

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