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Fear was distracted, even as he performed his nighttime duties, visiting the people all over the world that needed their nightmares delivered.

He knew Piper was fragile. One little thing could tip her over the edge. He'd forced her to go to the grocery store earlier, because he knew how dangerous it was to give up and lock yourself away, promising to do tomorrow, whatever it was you were avoiding today. That wouldn't happen, most likely (the doing it tomorrow part). People weren't like that. They might have had good intentions, but they most always repeated the same events the next day, again promising to try again tomorrow.

He shook his head. Piper couldn't go back to that lake. He'd feel somehow as though he'd failed if she did.

And if that meant forcing her to go out and do things...

Then so be it.

But if it meant being there for her when her fear was at its worst...

He'd do that too.

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