Chapter 3

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Is the annoying sound I hear as I wake up. Bright blinding fluorescent lights are what I see as I open my eyes. And the burning dull throb of pain in my side is what I feel. As soon as I can see again I look around and see that I'm in the Cave's infirmary and Canary is in here too. 

She's doing something at another table. I try to speak to get her attention, but my throat is so dry it just kinda sounds like wheezing.

"Oh! Caroline, you're awake!" She exclaims as she comes over with a glass of water and helps me sit up. 

As I'm drinking she explains. "Okay. So I was shot and in a coma for a week. Which means what's today's date?" I asked. 

"August 20th, why?" I grinned, as I pumped my fist in the air, "Cause that means double digits!" I exclaimed. 

She smiled too. "Well, then happy birthday Puffin," she said as she hugged me. "Oh and I almost forgot the team needs to talk to you. They told me to tell you as soon as you woke up." 

I stood from where I was sitting on the edge of the bed and limped to the door. "Bye, BC," I said, as I waved, and walked out of the room.

I walked to the living room to see everyone there watching whatever on the TV. 

"Hey, anyone miss me?" I exclaimed to get their attention. They all turned and looked at me. Something was wrong, the air in the room was thick with tension. They then all stood up and walked over to me. Kaldur was about to say something when Robin stopped him and walked over to me. 

He leaned down grabbed something from his utility belt and whispered in my ear "Happy Birthday Caroline. I need you to know I was outvoted." He then put a small box in my hands hugged me and walked back  to the team. 

My smile was gone and there was a pit a nerves in my stomach. He motioned for Aqualad to continue. "Puffin the team has taken a vote and all of us but one agree that you are too young and inexperienced to be apart of this team. We agree that you are a liability and this is why we must revoke your membership." He explained never breaking eye contact with me. My heart dropped, I thought these people had my back, that they were my family.

I turned around and walked to the room I have here, changed into some clean clothes, set the cave to go into lockdown as soon as I left, and walked back out. I looked at the team, smiled my mischievous smile, and laughed. 

I looked each one of them except Robin in the eye and said Screw you. Turned around walking to the zeta tube. It scanned me, I turned around still smiling, and asked "Have you ever heard the saying 'What comes around goes around?'"

As I was zapped out of there all I heard was 'Cave now on 24 hour lock down.' and a lot of confused angry sidekic- oops I mean 'heroes'


(2016/17)So this chapters kinda short sorry there really wasn't going too much in this chapter anyway so looks like you have to deal with it.

Also I'm back in school so updates my become less frequent so....... yeah.

Anyways I hope you like it. Bye!

(2021) revised and edited 2/4/21

IDK why I said there wasn't a lot going on, this chapter was supposed to be short and sweet, it's very important to the story

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