Chapter 12

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"The girl is still missing, master."

"She is no mere girl, she is a trained assassin. Do not underestimate her."

"Yes Sir."

The foot soldier left in charge of finding the assassin who had disappeared off the league's radar scurried off. His boss remained seated at his desk seething in anger after letting the assassin escape his grasp. 

Looking to his lead assassin he asked her a question. "Do you know the league's mission, Songbird?"

"To rid the world of all threats, those who threaten to upset the balance of the world." She responded almost robotically.

"Yes, and do you understand that those meddling American heroes are the upsetting balance in the world?"

She nodded promptly. "Yes, they've upset the order of natural selection."

"You also understand that the one assassin who knows the identities of most of the league and most of their covert ops team has disappeared without a trace." It wasn't a question that needed answering. She knew where he was going with this. She nodded in acknowledgment.

"The assassin she paid to give her information in New York has been taken care of. I need you to make sure the other members placed in Gotham keep their damn mouths shut. There's no doubt she made contact with her former mentor, we don't want the bat and the bird taking advantage of League members with shakey loyalties."

"Yes Sir.  Any snitches will be taken care of." She smiled a sly smile, before bowing at the League Master and taking her leave to carry out her new mission. 

"You'll pay for your wrongdoings, your betrayals. I'll find you my dear and you'll regret ever defying me." The man looked to a pocket watch, a picture of himself, a small child, and a beautiful woman with long dark hair was placed in the lid faded and wrinkled, obviously old. He smiled.

"A shame your mother had to die, even more of a shame that you'll have to follow in her footsteps."


Watchtower August 22, 2:17 AM est

I walked out of the zeta beam into the Watchtower behind Batman and a couple of other leaguers. Batman was of course the first to speak up.

"What the hell happened here?" His gruff gravelly voice rang out.

Superboy caught me off guard by being the one to answer. "Whisper happened."

Bruce and I shot a look at each other. "The team's missions were all interrupted and they were tricked into abandoning them after they all received an emergency alert to come back here." Miss Martian began.

She told us what Caroline had done, hacking Red Tornado, and the Watchtower, the messages.

"Alright, I need to see senior members and Robin in debrief, team leaders right up your mission reports before tomorrow. Whisper is a highly trained assassin, she's been working with Red Hood out of New York until a couple of days, she has brought a threat to our attention, but has some grudges against almost everyone here. Tomorrow everyone will be debriefed on the entire situation." This was not the response they wanted from Batman.

"That's ridiculous!"

"You can't just say that and send us home!"

What Goes Around Comes Around( A Young Justice Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang