Chapter 11

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Back at the Cave, I told Bruce and Alfred everything Caroline had told me.

"She seems plenty angry at us, she doesn't know you had nothing to do with the team kicking her out." Bruce had his thinking face on, a deep scowl, eyebrows furrowed, and eyes focused on the screen in front of him. Anyone who hadn't known Bruce as long as I had might not know any better and think he was ignoring me. I knew from my time as Robin, he heard every word I said and had a million thoughts running through his head. 

"The team made a mistake and heavily misjudged the consequences, I don't blame her for thinking you and I might've okayed the decision. I wish I would've caught her and explained to her back then." Bruces ran his hand through his hair then over his face. He then turned to face me, but before he could say anything Alfred spoke up. 

"And Master Richard should've pushed harder to change their minds but that was in the past, so we shouldn't dwell on what could've been and focus on the now and the truth. As much as I love Miss Caroline, she is not the same little girl who left." He sighed sadly. Bruce nodded and met my gaze. 

"Whisper is a very popular anti-hero and has done some very questionable things. I've been doing a lot of research, I admittedly didn't know much about her," He turned to the computer, one very large screens and multiple smalls one around it lit up to show New York new articles from the past two years. "I tend to forget New York exists with everything I have going on here in Gotham, with the team and the League, but it appears she has good intentions, taking down drug rings, human and sex trafficking rings, just with methods she knows are morally wrong."

Bruce had spent hours looking up everything he could about her. "Yeah matches what she told me for the most part and the fact that she was carrying under her jacket. Probably had other weapons hidden on her somewhere." Starring at the articles and miscellaneous police reports I analyzed everything I was reading closely. These were her actions but it told us almost nothing that was going on inside her head, her intentions, and motives, who she was after all these years was still a mystery.

"Do we have any way to vet what she's saying?" I asked Bruce after a few moments. He had gone back to combing through NYPD reports and files. Not looking away from the screen he gruffed his response. "There are some league associates in Gotham, I'm sure we could track them down, get them to talk, but there's no telling how much they actually know."

I thought long and hard, I didn't want to doubt Caroline, but she seemed so angry and bitter there was no way to know if this was real or her form of revenge. I had a phone number, so I decided to text her. 

D: Do you have any way for us to confirm you're telling the truth, solid evidence?

C: If I recall correctly Bruce has been known to use truth serum. I'm willing to take some and tell you everything again. I have no reason to lie to you tho, as angry and upset as I am you're still my brother and Bruce is more of a father to me than my actual father. 

"She's agreed to take the truth serum," I muttered. Bruce turned to me shocked. "I texted the number she called me from, asked if she had any way to confirm her story. She's agreed to take truth serum."

"She's desperate. Alright unlock her Zeta Authorization, bring her here."

Time skip

"Alright, all your weapons on the table." I gestured to the side where a metal table had been set up by the Zeta Tube, in plain sight. She smirked, pulled the gun out from under her jacket, took out the clip, and set it down on the table. Knowing her I sent her a look. She sighed and reached down to her combat boot pulling a sheathed knife, a handful of throwing stars out of her jacket, and another knife out of her waistband.

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