Curiosity Killed the Cat

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Luke pulled up into parking lot of his apartment complex. While Bryce was poorer than a homeless man, Luke on the other hand inherited a great sum of money from his parents, allowing him to be able to afford the most expesive of items, including a two-floor apartment. He had very nice furniture, but being Luke, it was always trashed from parties and having girls over. He unlocked the door to his apartment, only to trip over a chair from the night before. 

  "God, that party was lit." He said, his whitness literally glowing though his shirt it could blind a blind man. He retreaved the book from his jacket, and upon looking at it, he noticed how cheesy it looked.

  "Ohh, scary satanic stuff! Phffft, I bet this is just a bunch of hocus pocus. There's no such thing as demons! How dumb is the chruch? 'Oh no, we all gon be killed! Ahhhh!'" He mocked. He opened up to a random page, and began reading.

"Saying this chant will spawn a demon from the underworld. He will then retrive your soul, and trap it in a small bird cage, where your soul will rot for the rest of time." He read. Luke thought it just sounded dumb. Demons? Chants? How gullible did the book think he was? He looked at the chant, and being the dumb pretty-boy he was, bhe read it.

  "Haminius Hactocius, Noshtelva ne rendvern. By saying the past five words, I hereby summon a demont o take me home, back the underworld." He said. He looked up. Nothing happened. 

   "See? Stupid book, reading is for losers!" He yelled, throwing the boom to the floor. But as the spine made contact with the white carpet, everything changed. The power shut out, the doors slammed shut and locked, and items around the room started to move. Luke started to freak, stumbling back onto his fouton. And then it stopped. The lights came back on. Luke was starting to fear the worst, but there seemd to be no demon.

   "That was...Interesting." He whispered to himself.

  "It sure was, Luke."  A voice behind him whispered in rhaspy voice. He jump up off the fouton faster than a giraffe ina  turtle neck. He spun around, his body trembling. And standing there, on the window ledge, was him. The demon. His stature was amazing. He stood at a good 6"4. His bottom half was that of a burly goat, the hooves blacker than the night sky. He had a handsome face (suprisingly). His messy hair accommodated the small, red to blackish horns. He had bright yellow irises, giving a cat-like illusion. His hands were also tipped with sharp claws. ANd his skin was the light red color of a Bob Ross sunset. It hopped down from the window, taking a bountiful step towards Luke. Not understanding what was going on, Luke dove under a decorative desk, knocking the lamp off. His brani was unable to think from the overwhelming and crippling fear that he as expirincing. 

The demon took a step closer, this time being right in front of the desk.

   "So, you're the one who called upon me. I'm just gooing to take a leap of faith and guess you thought he book was joke? Yea, I gett that a lot. But, sadly, you did read it, and now I have to complete the deal. So let's make this easy. Come on out from under the desk and i'll do it as quickly as I can." The demon told Luke, who was now in the fetal position.

  "By the way, the names Darren."

Luke stayed curled up. He didn't think the chant was real, and he wasn't ready to die.

  "I'll give you five seconds to come out or I'm coming down there." Darren told him in a parent esqe voice. 

"One." Luke didn't move.

"Two." He thought about it.

"Three." He asked Jesus for help. No response.

"Four." Luke decided that he didn't want a slow and painful death, so he came out. H crawled on all fours out from under the table.

 "Finally. Now, let's go to the bathroom. I've gotta fill up the tub."

"W-Why do you need th-the tu-ub?" Luke asked with a quiet and shaky voice.

"Well, how else am I going to kill you? With a knife! Lord no! If I create a wound, your sould can escape, and I need to capture it. So follow me or I'll drag you there." Darren told  him. That's when Luke decided he had a slim, very slim, chance of escaping. He dove between the demon's legs, stumbling out ont he other side. He franticly tried to run to the balcony door. Maybe he could jump onto the ledge. Maybe it's Maybeline. His thoughts were that he could jump of the railing and into the massive trees below. Sure, it was a good 60-70 feet drap, and he would surley get injured, but at least it could by him some time and maybe even give him a chance to scream for help.

  Just as his hand was about to grab onto the handle, a large, recling chair bursted its way into the room, slamming into the door. Luckily, Luke was not injured, but the door was blacked. He didn't have time to turn around. The balcony door was right next to his open kitchen, so Luke scrambled over the counter, crashing his left side to the floor. He stumbled to his feet, and made a dash fo the front door. As he turned to corner to enter the dining room (which was open and was right next to the front door) he saw the demon stading in front of the door, looking at his nails.

   "I'm not going to chase you. You have no way out, and eventully you'll get tired. I'll just wait until you're done." He said nonchalantly, still focusing on his nails. Luke turned around, running back to the back door. He tried pushing the reclienr out of the way, but it was to heavy for him. He looked quite fit, but in reality he was as weak as water. But he kept trying, and trying, and trying until  he his wrists hurt and and he was out of breath. 

   "New approach. Gotta get one." Luke wheezed to himself. He pulled out a large cutting knife from the kitchen. He hunched his back, and carefully made his way to the front. He peeped his head around the corner, to still see Darren studying his nails and picking at his fangs. Luke was ready to charge at him with the knife.

   "Drop the knife, Luke. I can see you. A knife isn't going to disarm me, it'll only make me want to disarm you. Literally." Luke dropped the knife quickily, holding his hands up to his neck. He took a few careful steps back into the kitchen, having to re evaluate his plans.

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