The Start

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  "You think it'll be funny?" Bryce asked. 

"Ya totally, just yell at her! It'll be really dope!" Luke yelled back. As they drove in Jake's Merceded Benz. They were driving past an overweight female jogger, who was obviously having some trouble jogging in the cold. She was sweating a lot, and she seemed to be having trouble breathing. But insted of offering help or just driving away, the two young men spat insults her way, making comments on her body and how curvy she was. You could see the tears start to well up in her eyes; the comments were harder to take that usual.

  "Fatty!" They yelled, before speeding off down the winding road. The two young men, Bryce being 23 and Luke just turning 21, sped off, much faster that the law allowed.

 "Tonight, we's gonna go down to that dumb museum, and totally steal something." Bryce siad, with a hint of vodka ringing in the air.

  "Like what? A gift card or..." Luke trailed off.

   "Naw, I heard theys be gitting rid of a book that ws 'too ofensive' for the stupid church. We can smuggle it out. No ones gonna be caring for it anyways." Bryce said, his grammar so bad even a third grade dropout would scream in agony. They countinued to speed down towards the museum.

The book they were planning on stealing was though the first complete satanic book. But the church was complaining that things weren't right and everything was off, ina devilsh sort of way.  By demand, the museam was going to give the book to the chruch so they could remove the evil fromt he book. The book was sitting in the back of the museum, in a small box. As the two men pulled up, Bryce rolled out of the car, snatched the box, and dashed back for the car. Luke floored the gas pedal, the car swirving to the left and hitting the curb before finally aligning itself with the street.

  "Dude, cause it's your 21st b-day, I'll let you keep the goods." Bryce told him, his eyes drifiting.

  "Aww, rad! This'll be so cool! Al, da ladies'll be lining up for me!" He told Bryce. It took them a few minutes to get to Bryces trailer.

  "Love ya, dude." Bryce yelled as he stumbled out of the car.

  "No homo!" Luke screamed back, hisjerkery and arrogence bleeding through. He got back into his car, and swirved away.

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