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It was six more hours of Luke trying to find a way to escape. He tried every window in the house, and floor board and every crack in the wall. but nothing worked. He was doomed. The demon showed no interest in leaving. All he did was make smart alec comments. Finally, Luke gave up. He accepted his fate, and was ready to jsut get it over with. no one would miss him. No one would care. He stood back up, and skiddishly scooted into the front room.

   "I'm ready to go." He said in a quiet, sheepish voice. The demon looked up from a magazine he was browsing through.

   "K. Let's go. Get upstairs." Luke trudged up the staircase, and intot he bathroom. He sat down in the corner of the room, waiting. Finally, the demon entered the room.

   "Hold on, it'll take a sec. I gotta get some towles out." He told Luke.

  "I wish there was something I could do to call off the deal. Like, another contract or a favor or something. I don't know." Luke muttered to himself. But this caught the attention of the demon, who was just comign back into the bathroom.

  "Wait, did you jsut day you would amke a deal, any deal, to get out of this one?" He asked, curiosity hiding behind his voice.

   "Yea, anything. I don't care, just not this." This caught Darren's interest. He could amke him sign any deal, anyoen he wanted. And he knew the one.

  "You know what? Sure. I'll make you a deal. You sign my contract, I won't kill you."

   "Really? Like, no hooks or anything." Luke asked, the excitment bubbling in his throat.

   "Well...Sure. Why not." Darren said, a crooked smile slithering across his face. He snapped his fingers, and sure enough an old fashioned contract appeared, floting in mid air along with a pen.    Luke sprung up, seized the pen,a nd signed his name faster than humanly possible. The contract glowed a bright red, showing that it had been signed.

  "Finally, I'm free!" Luke said in rejoice.

   "Well, no. You aren't."

  "What do you-"

  "You dumb idiot! You didn't even read the contract! You just signed yourself over to me! I Own you! This is gold!  You have to listen to me or I'll kill you!" Darren said, laughing like a maniac. Luke's faced drained of colour, causing him to lean onto the bathroom sink for support.

  "What do you mena you own me?" He asked ina shaky undertoned breath.

   "You ahev to do what I say, and when I say it! You belong to me like some sort of..I don't know... Some sort of dog! And if you don't do it, I have the full right to kill you or do whatever!" He said, still chuckling. Luke was on the verge of passing out now. His vision was getting darker as time grew on, Until he finally hit his head on the sink, knocking him out cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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