chapter 19

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"Okay, Lauren, this'll be so much fun!"

Lauren and I had a free day today and, seeing as we were still in North Carolina, I decided to take her to some waterfalls. I had looked them up and they looked like fun, plus I wanted some alone time with her.

So now we were in the car I rented for the day, driving up the mountains. I told Lauren about my plans and she got extremely excited, which I found adorable.

"I can't wait, Y/N!" She exclaimed. "I haven't been to a waterfall since I went to Hawaii last year."

"I've never been to one, so I'm excited. Apparently there's this place where you can jump into the water, plus a bunch of other stuff." I explained, causing her smile to grow.

We rode in silence for awhile, the angelic voice of Matty Healy coming from the speakers, until we eventually arrived.

"Alright towel?" I asked my girlfriend.




"Bathing suit?"


"Kiss?" I asked the last one with a cheeky smile, making Lauren lean in and give me a kiss on the lips. It lasted a few seconds and she hummed before slowing pulling away.


I giggled before opening my car door and speaking to Lauren. "Well, let's go cutie!"

Lauren and I walked towards a trail - hand in hand - with smiles on our faces. This was one of the first times Lauren and I would be able to spend all day together and I was very excited. I had picked a waterfall that took extensive research to find, that way it gave Lauren and I a better chance to be all alone and not worry about other people.

After an almost half an hour walk, Lauren and I came across a breathtaking view. In front of us was a waterfall with about a twenty foot drop and a deep, glistening pool glimmering in the sunlight.

"This is amazing," I heard Lauren say from beside me. "Thank you for brining me here."

I smiled. "Thank you for accompanying me, babe. Now let's get in, yeah?" I said, making Lauren nod quickly. We shed our clothes until we were both in our bathing suits and I took my time admiring the beautiful girl in front of me. "You're so damn beautiful."

Lauren blushed before looking away bashfully. "Let's go swim," she said softly.

I nodded and we both walked towards the pool, walking in until we were up to our waists in water. I splashed Lauren playfully and she glared at me before leaning down to splash me back. I gasped and walked towards her, a mischievous look on my face. Lauren's eyes widened and I laughed before running towards her and pushing her into the water. Once she resurfaced she glared at me before grabbing onto my arm and pulling me down as well.

Our splashing continued for awhile, until finally we were up to our chests in the water. I pulled Lauren close to me and she wrapped her legs behind me waist, her arms circling around my shoulders. I placed my hands on her waist and sighed contently, giving her lips a soft peck.

"I'm really happy I met you," I told her honestly.

Lauren looked at me for a second before closing her eyes and leaning her on my shoulder. "Can I tell you something, Y/N?" Lauren asked, a nervous tone in her voice.

"Anything." I replied, rubbing up and down her waist with my hands.

Lauren waited a few seconds before speaking up again. "I think I'm in love with you.."

My eyes widened and I pulled back in shock, trying to see if Lauren was telling the truth. From the way she looked so scared at my reaction I knew she was. I decided to take her out of her nervous misery by telling her something. "That's funny because I know I am." I said with a warm smile.

Lauren's face suddenly looked shocked. "You love me?!"

I laughed. "Is it really that surprising?" I questioned.

Lauren shook her head. "No, I guess not. I was just scared that you wouldn't feel the same way."

"Well I do. I'm in love with you, Lauren Jauregui." I said before leaning in to connect our lips. It felt different from our other kisses, and I deepened the kiss, not wanting to pull away. Our tongues battled for dominance, mine eventually winning. After a minute more of kissing her with such passion I pulled away and gave her a few soft kisses to her neck, causing her to sigh.

"And I'm in love with you, Y/N  Y/L/N."

Awhile later Lauren and I were sitting on a rock, sharing a large towel and just enjoying each other's presence.

"Let's take a pic for insta," Lauren told me while pulling her phone out of the bag I had brought.

"Alright, what should I do?" I questioned while positioning my face closer to Lauren's.

"Kiss my cheek!" She said with a grin. I saw her pull up the camera so l leant over and gave Lauren a kiss on her cheek.

After she took the photo I looked at it and smiled. In the picture Lauren had a giant smile on her face whilst I was kissing her cheek, a smile evident on my lips. In the background was the waterfall, and you could tell Lauren and I had our bathing suits on.

"It's perfect," I told her honestly.

"I'm going to post it, but I'm not going to tag you. People will be able to tell its you, but it'll make them go even crazier. Also, I need to think of a caption." She said.

I grinned down at her, enjoying her cute little ramble before giving her an idea. "Perhaps they could be song lyrics?" I said.

"Perfect!" She said before beginning to type away on her phone. "No filter," she muttered to herself, which made me smile at her adorableness. "And done!" She exclaimed before holding her phone out for me to see. I smiled at the caption, thinking it was perfect for us.

@laurenjauregui: be each other's paradise.

"I love you so much." I said with a smile, causing Lauren to look up at me.

"I love you too." She spoke gently, causing my heart to melt.

"What do you say we throw our clothes on and go get some burgers, from that burger shack we saw on the road?" I asked her.

Lauren nodded and we stood up to put our clothes back on our now dry bodies. We began the hike back to the car and talked about random things until we made it. Once there we both got in and I drove us towards the restaurant. I parked there and got out, quickly running to the passengers side and opening the door for Lauren.

"So chivalrous," she said while blushing.

"Anything for you." I told her with a smile before intertwining our fingers and walking inside. After we had ordered Lauren and I found a nice table in the back, waiting for our order to be called out. Once it was I went to grab it before walking back. We began to eat while conversing with each other.

"People are going crazy on Instagram." Lauren informed me.

"I'm glad!" I exclaimed. "I want people to ship us."

"I ship us," Lauren informed me, causing me to laugh.

"I would hope so, love." I told her with a smile. I looked at her with soft eyes, admiring the way her eyes lit up when I called her love.

I knew there was no place I'd rather be. She was the perfect company.


A/N: new update because I can. Not proofread so hop off my dick.

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