chapter 17

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"You're still bleeding..." Camila told me after awhile of us just sitting there.

I moved my finger to underneath my nose and felt the dried blood trailing to my lip. "I think it's just dry now," I told her while shrugging.

"Did it hurt?" Camila asked with a frown.

I shook my head. "Nah, Alycia is weak."

This caused Camila to smile and I smiled back at her before speaking again. "C'mon, I have to go find my sorta girlfriend," I stood up, grabbing Camila's hand and pulling her up as well.

"I'm going to go find Alycia," Camila told me and I nodded, realizing they have a lot to talk about. As I started to walk away Camila called out my name.

"Yeah?" I asked while turning to face her.

She gave me a soft smile before sighing. "I missed you," she said gently.

"I missed you too, Cami."

With that she smiled happily before walking towards the direction Alycia went. I walked towards the bus and saw Lauren sitting outside of it, a thoughtful look on her face.

"Hey, cutie!" I called out, making her look up. "Penny for your thoughts?"

Lauren smiled and waited for me to sit down beside her before speaking. "You and Camila are alright?" She questioned.

"Yeah, thankfully," I said, making her frown. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked while grabbing her hand.

Lauren sighed heavily before speaking. "I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but there's really nothing going on between you and Camila?" I could hear the insecurity in her voice which made me wrap my arm around her shoulder, pulling her into my side.

"No way, Lauren. She's gross." I said childishly, making her swat my arm gently. "You, Lauren Jauregui, are the only Cuban in my life. Hell, the only woman in my life!" I said seriously, causing her to grin widely.

Lauren looked around for a moment before turning towards me and leaning in. I met her halfway in a sweet kiss. It only lasted a few moments, though, because we couldn't stop smiling in it. Once I pulled away Lauren spoke up. "You're the only Aussie in my life."

"Oh, thank god! I was so worried you and Shannon had something," I said causing us to both laugh.

"You're a dork but I'm glad you're my dork," Lauren told me causing a blush to creep up on my face.

"Hey, Lauren?" I started. She looked at me intently and I took a deep breath before continuing. "Do you think that, maybe, you'd be my girlfriend?"

Lauren didn't answer for a moment and I started to freak out. "I'm so sorry! It's way too soon and I don't kno –"

"Y/N!" Lauren cut me off with a huge smile. "I'd love to."

"Really?" I questioned, my voice cracking.

Lauren giggled before replying. "Really really, girlfriend."

"You're my girlfriend!" I exclaimed happily. Lauren then kissed my cheek and I turned my head to connect our lips in a slow kiss.

"Ew, PDA!" I heard someone yell from in front of us. I disconnected our lips with a groan, causing Lauren to giggle.

When I turned to look who said it I saw Shannon standing there with a smirk on her face. "Heard Alycia made you ugly," she said referring to my face.

"Pshh, you wish there was something that could make me ugly," I said jokingly.

"Hey, can I talk to you about the band? You can stay, Lauren," Shannon said.

I glanced at Lauren for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, come sit down," I gestured to the spot beside me.

After Shannon had sat down she started speaking. "What's going to happen to us now?" She asked. "You and Alycia obviously aren't really getting along. I'm so scared it's going to end us."

I shook my head. "I'm not going to let it end us, Shannon. This band is going to be together for as long as I live," I told her sincerely. "Alycia and I will work it out. We always do."

"Wait, you're not mad at her?" Lauren cut in.

"Of course I'm mad at her!" I exclaimed. "Did you hear what she said about you? I'm pissed. That doesn't mean I'm not going to try and work it out eventually."

"You're too good, Y/N," Lauren told me.

"I agree," Shannon said from the other side of me. "I'm upset with Alycia too, though. We need to have a band meeting before the next leg of the tour kicks off."

"Oh, yeah," I said. "When is that?"

"The first of May," Shannon told me.

"We have a month," Lauren said from the other side of me.

Shannon nodded before standing up. "Well I'm gonna go grab some food, I'll see you two later," and with with she was gone, leaving Lauren and I alone.

"Wanna cuddle and take a nap?" I asked her with a smile.

She smiled widely before grabbing my hand and standing up. "Duh."


"So what happened?" I was currently laying in my bunk with Camila beside me, talking about her talk with Alycia earlier. Her head rested on my chest and I had an arm around her waist.

Camila sighed heavily before answering. "I yelled. A lot. I'm just so fucking mad at her, but I love her so much!" Camila exclaimed.

"Did she say why she did it?" I questioned.

"She was jealous of you and I. No offense but I'd never date you," Camila said, making me gasp.

"The nerve!" I exclaimed.

"Shut up, asshole! But yeah, I don't know what's going to happen to her and I." Camila stated sadly.

"I'm sorry, Cami..." I said sincerely.

She just shrugged. "It's alright, tell me about you and Lauren."

"You mean me and my girlfriend?" I questioned with a smirk, making Camila's eyes widen.

"You asked her?!" She said excitedly.

"Yes! And she said yes!" I said as equally excited. "Speaking of which I should probably go find her."

"Alright, Y/N," Camila said while crawling out of my bunk, me following her. "I'll see you later."

"Bye, Camila," I told her before walking to the front of the bus. I walked out and went on a search for Lauren. I spotted her about five minutes later, she was sitting in one of the seats of our venue.

"You ever wondered what it would be like if you weren't famous?" I said while approaching her, causing her to jump a little. When she noticed it was me she relaxed before answering.

"All the time, but then I think of everything I wouldn't have."

"Such as?" I questioned whole sitting beside her. She laid her head on my shoulder before speaking.

"You, the girls, a lot of my friends, fans; that kind've stuff," Lauren explained.

"Same with me," I told her honestly. "I don't even think I miss being a normal kid."

"It was nice, but this is nicer," Lauren said.

I nodded before replying. "I wouldn't have it any other way."


A/N: Here's a new chapter. This story will be ending relatively soon, BUT never fear! I have more stories in the making. I'm currently working on publishing two, plus you can check out my other stories 'In This Moment' and 'Habits of My Heart'.

Chase Atlantic ( Lauren/You )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant