chapter 8

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Later that day I decided to go and explore the venue, which was rather large. I walked around for about half an hour before I came across a door that said roof access. Surprisingly, it wasn't locked, and I made my way to the top. When I got up there I looked to my right and noticed Lauren standing towards the edge.

"Don't jump." I said, jokingly.

She turned around and grinned before replying. "You wish."

I walked over to her with a smile. "Eh, not really."

I stood beside her and looked at the view the roof provided. It was beautiful.

"Do you ever fill like you have nothing figured out?" Lauren asked after awhile of silence. I turned to look at her and she was still looking out at the view.

I laughed before replying. "You have no idea." I said quietly while shaking my head.

"It's just," she paused to turn and look at me. "I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with my life, ya know? Sure I'm famous, but none of that really matters in the long run."

"I understand." I told her truthfully. "Like, one day, none of this will truly matter anymore."

"I'm scared of that. I'm scared that one day I won't matter anymore." Lauren told me before looking back at the view.

"You'll always matter, Lauren." To me. I wanted to say those last two words, but knew they'd do nothing but hurt me.

"You're literally the sweetest person I know. If you were a guy, I'd date you." Lauren said with a smile.

That was literally the most painful thing ever.

"Yeah, so, uhm," I cleared my throat. "How's Lucas?" I asked with a forced smile.

"He's great. I know I'll never see him again but he was fun last night." She said before turning to face me. "I'm gonna head back down. Care to join?"

"I'll meet you down there, I'm just gonna stay up here awhile longer." I told her. She smiled before walking away. Once I heard the door shut I let out a huge breath I didn't realize I was holding.

As a young lesbian people always joke saying "never fall in love with a straight girl", but when it happens, it's no joke. I kicked at the ground gently with the tip of my shoe before sitting down, bringing my knees up to my chest.

I sat there in my thoughts and before I knew it, an hour had passed. I heard the door open and someone speak.

"What's up, buttercup?" Camila said, popping the 'p'.

"The sky." I said sarcastically.

She came and sat beside me. "Oh, haha." She paused in thought before she started talking again. "Can I tell you something?"

I turned to look at her with a smile. "Duh."

She bit her lip and looked down at the ground. "Alycia kissed me last night, and this morning she said she remembers and she didn't just do it because she was drunk."

I gave her a big, goofy smile. "At least you're getting somewhere. How was it?" I asked.

"Amazing. I felt so many butterflies and I'm honestly so happy." She gushed.

"I'm really happy for you, monkey." I told her.

She sighed and leaned her head on my shoulder. "She asked me out on a date for tomorrow."

"Oh yeah?" I questioned.

"Mhm. I can't wait." She told me happily.

I was so happy for her but I couldn't help but be a little jealous, especially because of what Lauren said earlier.

Chase Atlantic ( Lauren/You )Where stories live. Discover now