chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, but I heard the shower running, so I wasn't too upset. I thought about the events that unraveled last night and wondered why Lauren was confused. Hopefully she wasn't mad at me.

I laid in bed, waiting for Lauren to come out. A few minutes later she came out in shorts and one of my t shirts, which made me smile.

"Good morning." I said gently, with a small smile.

Lauren looked to me and smiled, brushing her hair quickly and laying down beside me. "Good morning."

I threw my arm around her waist and felt her run her hand along my arm, and I couldn't help but sigh contently. "Do you want me to order breakfast, and we can maybe talk about last night?" I asked carefully.

"Okay." She whispered.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone from the bedside table, checking the time.

8:46 am

I then sat up and called room service, ordering us breakfast. While I did this Lauren got onto her phone, checking Twitter and Instagram. "It'll be here soon." I told her before laying back down and turning on the tv, leaving it on the news. She nodded, continuing to look at her phone.

A few minutes later I heard a knock at the door and I got up to get our food, tipping the guy before bringing it over to Lauren. I had gotten us waffles, bacon and fresh fruit.

"Eat up!" I said happily, sitting down beside her and starting to eat. After a few minutes of us eating in silence I decided to start the conversation. "So, last night..."

Lauren sighed before looking over to me. "You make me so confused, Y/N." She stated. I gave her a confused look and she continued. "Before you came along I had never really questioned my sexuality, but you make me feel things I can't explain."

I nodded in understanding. "And you think you might be gay?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. It's really only you, but I'm so scared." She told me honestly.

"What're you scared of?"

She shook her head, looking down at her hands and taking a deep breath. "I'm scared of what others will think, I'm scared because I've never felt like this and I'm scared of getting my heart broken."

"Lauren, I've liked you since we first met, you don't have to worry about me breaking your heart." I said gently. She smiled a little and I continued. "And I'm not going to lie, there will always be haters, but you just have to ignore them and appreciate the positivity."

"Listen, Y/N, I wanna try something with you." My eyes widened and she continued. "Just...slow."

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear that!" I exclaimed, making her giggle. "And we can go as slow as you'd like. Your pace." I said while grabbing her hand and rubbing the top of it with my thumb. "You're for real, though, right?"

She nodded, looking to me with a smile. "I feel like you're going to be good for me. Can we maybe, not tell anyone for awhile, though?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Could I tell Camila though?" I questioned. "She'll probably blow a gasket if I don't."

She laughed before replying. "You can tell Camila."

"Dude, she's going to freak!!" I said excitingly, causing Lauren to giggle. I just blushed and looked down at our food, starting to eat again. "Don't laugh at me." I mumbled.

"You're just too cute!" She said while pinching my cheeks, making me blush harder.

We sat in a comfortable silence for awhile, finishing our food. Once we were done I moved everything off my bed and sat back down beside Lauren. I grabbed her hand and sighed while playing with her fingers. "This doesn't feel real." I told her honestly.

"It is." Lauren reassured me. "Y/N, I want to apologize for being such a bitch to you awhile back. I was taking out my insecurities on you and I'm really sorry."

"I understand why you did it." I told her. "It hurt but ya know, life goes on. And look at us now." I said cheekily.

She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Yeah, look at us now."


"Shut up!"

Lauren had left earlier and Camila was now back. After she went over how her date was, which was absolutely adorable, I told her about my night, which led to me telling her about this morning.

"Shut up!" She said again, smacking my arm.

"Abuse!" I yelled, pushing her away from me.

"Y/N, are you for real?" Camila asked, a smile on her face.

"Yeah," I said dreamily. "I can't believe it."

Camila laughed. "Me neither."

I feigned shock, placing my grand over my heart. "What does that mean?"

"It means," she paused to sit on the bed, and I sat beside her. "I can't believe it after everything she's done."

"I guess." I mumbled.

Camila sighed before wrapping her arm around my waist. "Listen, after what you've told me, she sounds sincere. Just be careful. For me."

I laid my head on her shoulder. "I really hope this works."

"And it will." Camila told me. "You're taking things slow right?" I nodded and she continued. "Then that's good. You'll really be able to see if she has feelings for you. And if she hurts you, I'll hurt her."

I giggled at her last statement. "And what would you do, exactly?"

"...something." She mumbled.

I sighed, lifting my head up and wrapping my arm around her waist, pulling her down onto the bed with me. I then turned on my side, while Camila turned on hers to face me. I nuzzled my face into her chest and smiled. "You're the best." I stated honestly. "Through everything you've been here for me, and I really don't know how to thank you."

She wrapped her arm around my head and I felt her rest her chin on top of it. "Just keep being my best friend and I'll keep being yours."

"Sounds like a plan."


AN: or is it? 0_0

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