chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up to an empty bunk. I got up and went to brush my teeth before heading towards the front lounge. When I walked in I was greeted by all my band members and Caminah.

"Good morning." I said with a cheeky grin. I then cringed from the pain my nose caused.

"Yeah, yeah, good morning. Now care to tell us what really happened last night?" Dinah said while staring at me expectantly. This caused everyone else to stare at me like that. Talk about pressure.

"I already told you." I replied before shrugging and sitting down beside Camila.

Shannon glared at me. "Cut the crap, Y/L/N. We know you're lying." She said from the other couch.

Camila then grabbed my hand. "Please tell us?" She asked while giving me puppy dog eyes. How can I lie to those?

Alycia then cut in. "C'mon, how can you say no to that?"

"Fine." I gave in. "Last night I got punched by Brad."

"WHAT?" Everyone said in unison.

Chloe then spoke for the first time. "I'll kill that English muffin."

"No need." I replied to her.

"What do you mean?" Dinah asked. "He deserves it."

"Maybe, but I don't need any drama with Lauren." I explained.

Camila then gave me a questioning look. "What does she have to do with this?"

I let out a loud sigh before answering. "I caught him cheating, confronted him, and you all know Lauren would never believe me over him. She doesn't even speak to me."

"He can't just get away with this!" Shannon exclaimed.

"Fine, you guys can tell her if you'd like." I said.

"I will, bye guys!" Dinah said before running out of the tour bus, I assumed to go find Lauren.

Chloe then started talking about our new single. "Y/N, are you ready to perform Marry You tonight?"

"I love that song. Of course I am!" I smiled. We wrote it when Shannon and Cammie almost got married while drunk in Vegas. It was a happy, carefree song.

"Great!" Alycia spoke before continuing. "Also, we have a break from tour starting in three days and you need to pick a girl to 'Marry' in the video."

I then looked at the tiny Cuban beside me. "Are you out of the closet?" I questioned loud enough for only her to hear.

She nodded her head. "I came out as bi earlier this year."

I smiled. "Wanna get married?" I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Yes!" She answered while laughing.

"I found a girl." I said while turning back to Alycia, who was sat at the table. She glared a little before smiling. She's jealousssss.

"Y/N and Camila sitting in a tree." Chloe started to sing while making kissy faces.

"Ha ha." I said jokingly while throwing a pillow at her face and then laughing for real. "Am I the only one with a girl?" I asked.

"Yeah, the rest of us will be playing our instruments." Shannon answered.

"Cool." I said while smiling.

I heard the bus door opened and saw Dinah walk in. "So she didn't believe me. That girl is in denial."

I saw Camila smirk. "I guess we'll just have to record him next time."

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