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last :
drink : water

phone call : my dad

last text : "3 or 4" to my friend SMIAUTOMATC on twitter

song : thank you for the venom by my chemical romance

time you cried : this morning cause of stranger things

have you ever :
dated someone twice : no

been cheated on : no

kissed someone and regretted it : haven't kissed anyone

lost someone special : i did but they're back in my life now

been depressed : yeah plently of times

been drunk and thown up : i've drank a lot but i've never gotten drunk or threw up

list three favorite colors : pink , blue , white

in the last year, have you :
made a new friend : plenty and i love them all lots !!!

fallen out of love : love is a neurochemical con job

laughed until you cried : i did that yesterday over a scooby doo meme so yeah

met someone who changed you : i guess so

found out who your true friends are : yes because i've met a number of fake hoes

found out someone is talking about you : i guess so

kissed anyone on your facebook list : i'm not poor i dont use facebook !! i also havent kissed anyone so

extras :
how many people do you know in real life on your facebook list : i don't have facebook so idk

do you want to change your name : i've changed my name twice already

what did you for your last birthday party : my last birthday party was terrible. cause someone messed it all up and i had so much anxiety. but 4-5 friends went to dave & buster's with me when i turned 12.

what time did you wake up today : idk 1pm

what were you doing last night at midnight : watching stranger things and crying because i love winona

name something you can't wait for : to transition

last time you saw your mom : a few minutes ago

what is one thing you wish you could change about your life : wish i wasn't so clingy and felt the need to tell people i hardly know my life story!!

what are you listening to right now : nothing

have you ever talked to a person named tom : i don't believe so

what's getting on your nerves right now : my boobs

blood type : b positive

nickname : rat, babyboy, and meme

relationship status : a sad single hoe

zodiac sign : sagittarius

pronouns : he | him

favorite tv show : stranger things and supernatural (( you cant make me choose between the two ))

college : i'm a child

long or short hair : short

height: 5'4

do you have a crush on someone : yes two people, so i feel unloyal

what do you like about yourself : sometimes i get into these moods where i do anything i can to make someone happy or help them out.

right or left handed : right

first surgery : i haven't had the surgery yet but it's for my boob

first best friend : it's either my pal emily or camila

first sport you joined : volleyball

first vacation : a cruise through the caribbean, but i hardly remember i was like 6

right now :
eating : nothing atm

drinking : nothing

i'm about to : get a blanket for food

listening to : nothing

want :
kids : kind of idk though. i want to adopt though

get married : i want to spend the rest of my life with someone who doesn't get tired of my jokes and nonsense

career : i want to do something with art or become a lawyer

which is better :
lips or eyes : eyes

hugs or kisses : both

taller or shorter : it doesn't matter to be honest

older or younger : doesn't matter

romantic or spontaneous: both i don't know

nose, stomach or nice arms: arms

sensitive or loud: whAt

hookup or relationship : relationship

trouble maker or hesitant : i'm not about causing shit so hesitant (( alien ))

kissed a stranger : i kissed people whom i do not know on the cheek so

drank liquor: yes and it's not that great

lost glasses or contacts : i lose glasses all the time

had sex on the first date : i've never been on a date

broke someone's heart : don't believe so

turned someone down : no

cried when someone died : yes

fallen for a friend : yeah

do you believe in :
yourself : eh

miracles : god is dead

love at first sight : what a lovely and lowkey brobecks reference and yes

heaven : i'm atheist but if it's real then that's cool

kissing on the first date : eh i guess

i tag :
idrc anyone lol

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