Final Fight

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Mission City, Nevada

"It's you and me, Megatron." Optimus Prime stated as he got up from the creator. He glanced around him and saw Humans scattering from the two mechs. He knew that he wasn't able to fight fully, he could kill some of them or worse, kill Sam or Matsuri if they were still close enough.

"No, it's just me, Prime." Sneered Megatron as he stood.

"At the end of this day," Matsuri heard Optimus began as Sam lead her into what resembles a trench with a leaking pipe broken in half and exposed. "One shall stand, one shall fall."

Sam quickly covered her body with his as small debris flew into the trench from the two mechs fighting. Matsuri peeked over Sam's shoulder just to see a glimpse of Megatron throwing Optimus into the side of the building.

"You still fight for the weak, that's why you lose!" She heard Megatron snarl and he walked towards Optimus. She could see Megatron grabbing Optimus that was out of her view before throwing the autobot back towards them.

"Sam, we have to help him." stated Matsuri as she watched the fight.

"How? It's not like we can grow to twenty feet tall and help." Sam looked at her.

"Well, think! What could we use as a weapon that would kill Megatron?"

"Well nothing-" Sam suddenly paused before looking down at the cube and looking back at Matsuri.

Matsuri hurriedly pulled Sam to cover as the two battling mechs got closer and closer to them. The two huddled together, watching them, waiting for the right time. She glanced towards the sky and took a deep breath, steeling herself. She watched as Megatron kick Optimus in the face, sending him sprawling on his back.

That's when the friendly F-22s came around and started to fire at Megatron, as well as the ground soldiers. The two kids ran towards Optimus only to skid to a halt as Megatron stumbled towards them, they tried to run but Megatron lunged. Thankfully, Optimus swiftly kicked Megatron's legs out from under the mech, sending him tumbling over the two and landed on his front.

"I'll kill you!" snarled Megatron as he hovered over the two humans. "Mine! Allspark!"

"Sam!" Optimus grunted. "Put the cube into my chest! Now!"

Sam slowly stood up, ignoring the leader before thrusting the cube upwards and watched as the cube shot into Megatron's chest, causing the mech to jerk before falling onto his back, his optics slowly going dark as Optimus stood.

"You left me no choice brother." Matsuri heard Optimus murmur before she dropped onto the round with a sigh. She could hear a tow-truck and knew that it was Mikeala coming. She could hear Optimus talking to Sam but didn't pay any attention to it.

"I'm gonna take a nap." Matsuri groaned.

"You need it." she heard Sam tease and she simply flipped him off before falling into a well deserved sleep.

TRANSFORMERS: The BeginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora